Trayvon Martin killed by "neighborhood watch" in Miami

yes, but only because an unarmed guy isn't a threat to anyone in a car.

let me give you a possible explanation for what happened.
zimmerman sees the unknown kid, suspects hes a buglar casing houses
he follows him
kid cuts through someone's lawn to try to get away
zimmerman catches up, and corners him
asks him what he is doing in the neighborhood.
kid gets angry/scared, lashes out, gives zimmerman a bloody nose and start pounding his head into the pavement
zimmerman calls for help. no response.
zimmerman, afraid of grave injury, shoots the kid. one bullet. kid dies.

now this isn't necessarily the way it happened, but its plausible and fits all the facts. Even without the stand-your-ground law, this could possibly be excused under Excusable Homicide. With the law and certain cases for precedent, I don't see how zimmerman isn't found not guilty. The precedent I keep bringing up is from cases involving drug dealers that were defending themselves from attack from other drug dealers who accidentally hit & killed bystanders but were found innocent because of the stand-your-ground law.

this is why the grass stains and wounds on the back of zimmerman's head are so absolutely crucial. Because the only way I can see that happening is from Trayvon kneeling down over zimmerman and beating him. As long as that is true, there wasn't anyway for zimmerman to defuse the situation or leave the scene once the hitting starting. That makes it excusable homicide.

so basically if you kill someone make sure there's some minor trauma anywhere and you'll be good to go
I'm here in this thread looking for gold NGFM nuggets.

I'm thinking this is the perfect place to find a rich vein of NGFM quotes.

Anyone figure out how Zimmerman can use a "Stand your ground" defense when he followed the kid and apparently instigated the confrontation?
Hmmm... I seem to remember a thread here about this at the time also.

Does the Sanford Police Department controversy sound familiar? It should.
Cop's Son Accused Of Beating Man Walks Out Of Jail |

This is the same department that dragged its feet when a police lieutenant's son punched out a black homeless man in an unprovoked attack a few months ago. The video showing the attack went viral, and it was only after intense pressure that the authorities issued an arrest warrant in the case.

Despite the punch and many eyewitnesses, Collison was never arrested by the Sanford Police Department, where his father is a lieutenant.

Officers on scene never handcuffed him or even patted him down. They said accounts of the fight were conflicting.
i read the first 2 pages and all i can say is the majority of members on this board are pretty disgusting human beings

but keep on trucking with your extremely racist beliefs and callous indifference/intolerance towards other human beings

hopefully your grandchildren don't grow up to be equally despicable pieces of shit

that is all
I bet one of them is a purse buying faggit that fell in love with the first bitch to spread her clam for him
I have sat back and allowed myself time to assess the current episode revealing itself in Sanford Florida...
by Congressman Allen West on Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 2:02pm ·
I have sat back and allowed myself time to assess the current episode revealing itself in Sanford, Florida involving the shooting of 17-year-old Treyvon Martin. First of all, if all that has been reported is accurate, the Sanford Police Chief should be relieved of his duties due to what appears to be a mishandling of this shooting in its early stages. The US Navy SEALS identified Osama Bin Laden within hours, while this young man laid on a morgue slab for three days. The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason. I have signed a letter supporting a DOJ investigation. I am not heading to Sanford to shout and scream, because we need the responsible entities and agencies to handle this situation from this point without media bias or undue political influences. This is an outrage.

btw, this is Allen West

the closet racists on this board are funny because 99.9% of them would never have the balls to share their extremely racist views on facebook, twitter, or anywhere else their real life acquaintances/friends/family could see them for the pieces of shit they are
yea most of them will just talk about how they don't like black people or whatever with their friends in private because there are actually a lot of racists in the world and you're pretty dumb for being so angry about it

it's like you're just realizing that there are a lot of people who don't share the worldview of a young, privileged, white, liberal male in america. this seems like an everyday occurrence for you and the other insane liberals
yea most of them will just talk about how they don't like black people or whatever with their friends in private because there are actually a lot of racists in the world and you're pretty dumb for being so angry about it

it's like you're just realizing that there are a lot of people who don't share the worldview of a young, privileged, white, liberal male in america. this seems like an everyday occurrence for you and the other insane liberals
you are failing to appreciate the difference between mild ethnocentrism, and bigoted racism

the former i don't agree with, and personally believe that as mankind evolves, will become a thing of the past, it's on it's way out... the latter however, is disgusting and a danger to society in the same manner that extreme religious views are

now kindly gdiaf