Blacks vs Jews lets get ready to ruuummmbbbllle


his gold sarcophagus had earrings which only female depictions had

its a whole rabbit hole of whether they re-used statues of a female in their rush to bury him so young

or maybe female bodies were a symbol of life giving etc

or maybe they were trans

or maybe his line were just inbred and womanly

since similar female bodies are on statues of his father akhenaten etc



I don't care
We are all here
Nation Up
and the United States has the best
copy it bitches
So I didn't get the memo.
which side am I supposed to support when two minorities go at it?

(I assume it's jews, it's always jews)
On Facebook i watch the 'shorts', usually they are tik-tok or YouTube clips ported over to Facebook. i am noticing 2 things out of the black community lately.

This isn't just coming from one place. I've seen these types of claims from a lot of different sources/people of all ages.

1. After Kanye and Kyrie just got their asses kicked in front of the world for saying something against jews, the black community has just come to the realization that jews run everything

2. Blacks have got it in their heads that THEY are the true sons and daughters of israel, semites, god's chosen, and somehow were tricked out of their birthright by whites who were pushed up to the mountains of Caucasus and then returned to Judea...though here it gets a little murky as to how the super strong black Israelites ended up on ships bound for the western hemisphere.

I'm interested to see how this plays out if anything at all happens, but there is a growing bunch of noise coming out of the black community on social media because THEY WUZ KANGS!

just random non algo ads bro. not catered to your conspiracy theories at all.
or it could just be fucked up posture from having a club foot

Oh Groove, nice one, didn't see you'd already done it.
That's what I get for posting from the previous page.

Worth repeating anyway - just to reinforce that you should listen to this about 10 times per day
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Great video explaining that if you say a Jew is Greedy, a Globalist, or other words, then you get labeled as an Anti-Semite. Listen to the girl say she doesn't want to interact with Jews any more because of this.
are you saying we don't have leaders?

listen, guy, we've got Joe Biden

He beat COVID-19

He gave us affordable healthcare

He ended the wars

i could go on about Him, but you'd just ignore the truth

ps. get vaxed