Refrence list of creepy things Captain Tele has done

Idk where u get off calling other ppl obsessed

Rayn has already indirectly stated the amount of f5s u do per day is embarrassing enough that he won't post it
kinda makes u cringe when you see ss and crew patting each other on the back in endless politico drivel

fucki g kid touchers
Damn tele... with all the people reading up on you, you've been the greatest thing to TWL in years.

problem w/ stuff like this is that when the perp laughs it off and tries to keep up his front, all his buddies feel obligated to laugh along w/ them and show united support

til it turns out to be true and they feel even worse

it is often these people that murder said people

just sayin

you have kids, sammy?

ask yourself this: how much do you know about tele? isn't it a bit odd that you don't?
Damn tele... with all the people reading up on you, you've been the greatest thing to TWL in years.

can u imagine how slow this place would be without me?


I've got more front page call outs than any other topic right now.

I'm very important...and they are not mad.
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problem w/ stuff like this is that when the perp laughs it off and tries to keep up his front, all his buddies feel obligated to laugh along w/ them and show united support

til it turns out to be true and they feel even worse

it is often these people that murder said people

just sayin

you have kids, sammy?

ask yourself this: how much do you know about tele? isn't it a bit odd that you don't?

this must be muks profession diagnosis as a professional basket weaver and aspiring audio recording artist.

his opinion very important. hahah

what i find a bit odd is that this place attracts kid touchers at an alarming rate

it is also odd how many people believe dented and demented dare and anything he has to say (even about his own head injury). or that people like you find icfire credible when being polled.

speaking of poled...u would have to be to believe dare about anything.

same tired old jokes...even i am tired of it. that's saying a lot.
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