[What should I do, besides posting pictures of my tits]

Don't burn any bridges. Though, I would be upfront about it with your boss. Let him know that you know he is telling people you got fired. And go from there.

If all else fails this is a great idea:

also, pay a lawyer a few bucks to send a letter about slander with threatening overtones.

You'd be suprised how many idiot small business owner's asses clench right up over legal letterhead.

People get really nervous when lawyers send them letters.
Tell the client the truth, and fuck them.

It's not worth it for an employer to give a bad reference (specially if it's not obviously, and provably true) because you can sue them.

Probably not worth it to you either, but considering you made this thread, you may as well. The risk is minimal, and you already have a job lined up.
If you need help on how a female should make a thread on TW, THIS is a "way fucking better one".

Eve knows how this place works. You on the other hand apparently still don't know your role here after 3 years.

If you want our honest opinions, you're going to need to barter with us first.

The only thing you have of any value is your tits (since you were unluckily born a woman).

If you show us the fun bags, you will earn our respect and only then will you truly become "one of the guys".
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Tell the client the truth, and fuck them.

It's not worth it for an employer to give a bad reference (specially if it's not obviously, and provably true) because you can sue them.

Probably not worth it to you either, but considering you made this thread, you may as well. The risk is minimal, and you already have a job lined up.

The client isn't going to care.

This sounds like a perfect reason to go on a killing spree. I'd murder your ex-boss and anyone who gets in the way.
Just send a gift basket to the clients you want to [strike]steal[/strike] inform of your new location of employment with a note saying something along the lines "It was a pleasure doing business with you... oh, by the way I've included my business card should you want to contact me."

don't send out emails, that's just tacky, at least send out a card with your business card attached.

don't these belong to you?

You're fine. If you hate the place and people, be glad you're quittin and move on. Don't sweat the small things (as this won't come back to bite you)
Just send a gift basket to the clients you want to [strike]steal[/strike] inform of your new location of employment with a note saying something along the lines "It was a pleasure doing business with you... oh, by the way I've included my business card should you want to contact me."

don't send out emails, that's just tacky, at least send out a card with your business card attached.

don't these belong to you?


They do!

The clients are not following btw ... They're the company's clients whom I had to deal with pretty much everyday, so I got kinda friendly with some of them.

I don't think they would give me a bad ref at this point ...

We'll see. Anyway, it doesn't seem like I have a problem finding jobs, I'm not worried about that at all. I just hate the fact that this company gets away with looking so fucking professional when they're the last ones being like that.

Welcome to the corporate world. I'm guessing this was your first semi-real job?

Lesson learned. Companies don't give a fuck about you. Do your job to the best of your ability and move on to a new one with higher pay. Keep doing this and you'll probably be running that shitty company within 10 years. Loyalty to one company is worthless and will get you nowhere in most cases, so don't stay in the same position for too long if you want to move up the ladder.

I don't know how it is in Canada, but you definitely can't use antics like that in the states. If you want to get creative, you can always send out a professional letter with a fuck you undertone:

"Hey everyone, this is Kahula (slutty jew whore). I wanted to inform you all that I was recently offered a new position with <insert company here>. After careful consideration, I decided this opportunity was a better fit for my career path. Working as a <title> will help me develop the skills necessary to blah blah blah blah (this is the part where you say what a big shooter you're going to be and imply how disorganized/shitty your old company is without actually saying it).

It was a pleasure working with you and I wish you all the best in the future. Any future requests can be directed to: <e-mail of douchebag at your old company that is taking over your job functions>. (This will make it look like you're actually sending out the letter to give them contact information, instead of bragging about how great your new job is.)

Be sure to CC your old boss for full 'fuck you' effect. Good luck and welcome to corporate bullshit land.

Edit: I'm saying this with the assumption that your boss is being a dick and is trying to fuck you over. If you can avoid drama, then do it.
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