[OMG] Another mass shoo......ah never mind.

It'll work on 'deer' up to a 100yds. So no sweat! It's silent too! You won't draw any unwanted attention while hunting 'deer' in your local night club.
Nashville is OK.

Have you been to Memphis recently? It's like Brazil jettisoned a favela into space and it crash landed in Tennessee.
tbh i missed the last 12 pages but i think i should b able 2 buy a tommy gun w/ super bigly extended drum mag, i'm like lvl 9000 irl by now
and as an irl midlife crisis incel, i promise only 2 use it 2 clear out crack dens and loiterers and stray cats
Well congrats on completely missing the point. Situation normal.

Just so you know, just because you're little undeveloped brain comes perceives things as someone 'missing the point'...really doesn't mean thats reality.

Now if you would like to rub those last 2 little brain cells together and attempt to articulate WHY you think that is incorrect, well give it your best shot stubby. If not, then sit the fuck down in your booster seat and be quiet.
He's done the same exact gestures for a hundred other people who don't have some sort of disability.

Again, you're still posting fake news 7 years later. You're a deranged simpleton with no ability to think for yourself.
Just so you know, just because you're little undeveloped brain comes perceives things as someone 'missing the point'...really doesn't mean thats reality.

Now if you would like to rub those last 2 little brain cells together and attempt to articulate WHY you think that is incorrect, well give it your best shot stubby. If not, then sit the fuck down in your booster seat and be quiet.

Get 'em Juggs
STFU minge you excommunicated expatriated exasperating example of extraordinary excrement expedition
How did you get so fat Mitch?

Fuck you babbling about dopey? I'm under 200 with a lot of muscle. Yeah I bloated out a bit in December, had an entire month of not setting foot in a gym. First 2 weeks had bronchitis/ pneumonia then a long Christmas vacation. Back in the gym 6 days a week now, got my PT on board. By summer I'll be 170-175 and be in shape like most 30 year-olds will never achieve.