Do you still regularly game?

The league of legends mobile game is crazy fun, and I also go ps5 with the family. I haven't pc gamed in a while because my office is in a place that we can't see our puppy who wiill eat $200 shoes with no regard
i play some midair 2 here and there, its a fucking trainwreck of a community, but hitting some MAs gets me the dopamine hit im lookin for
i don't play online games hardly ever anymore but still love playing singleplayer games

i have a mister fpga and all major consoles up through 7th generation modded and have been on a retro/semi-retro kick lately
I go in spurts. Have not gamed much this year. Was too busy with travel the first 3 months. Little bit of Squad and CIV 6.
Console gamer here. I just finished Hogwarts, was an excellent game, although once I got the AV spell it kind of made most fights anticlimactic.

Just pre-ordered Star Wars Jedi Survivor which comes out next week. I still have half a dozen other games I haven't touched yet.

And I'm still playing Diablo 3. Tried the beta for D4, but I didn't care for it much.
Every night I play.

Taking a break from Elden Ring and playing Hogwarts. Please dont dox me to the trantifa police.
recently played thru zelda skyward sword and twilight princess. will prolly get a copy of windwaker since i can play that on the wii too

I watched this with piotrr yesterday and at first I thought is was real footage with a GoPro or something. Then I started thinking
As a newbie gamer some 20+ years ago combat was very hard for me, but I got used to it playing fantasy games like NWN. Goblins and kobolds are not people, right.

Then came Fallout. This was harder. Raider encounters were a kill or get killed situation and with time I got used to that as well. Nowadays I headshoot (spelling?) people in games without a second thought. When I stumble on gruesome footage on Twitter or other places on the net they don't disturb me as much as they would have 20 years ago. I have become numb to it And there I got the explanation to my first thought when I understood that the game wasn't real - this could be used for military training.
I watched this with piotrr yesterday and at first I thought is was real footage with a GoPro or something. Then I started thinking
As a newbie gamer some 20+ years ago combat was very hard for me, but I got used to it playing fantasy games like NWN. Goblins and kobolds are not people, right.

Then came Fallout. This was harder. Raider encounters were a kill or get killed situation and with time I got used to that as well. Nowadays I headshoot (spelling?) people in games without a second thought. When I stumble on gruesome footage on Twitter or other places on the net they don't disturb me as much as they would have 20 years ago. I have become numb to it And there I got the explanation to my first thought when I understood that the game wasn't real - this could be used for military training.

thats how desensitization works
Yeah thats pretty realistic. I could see where something like that being constantly played actually could make some little Adderal soaked incel with green hair, slowly not have a lot of problem with shooting up a mall or a school