A good Halloween Themed party drink?

I'd do some kind of Orange juice and vodka in one bowl and like black berry juice and gin? in another bowl right next to it.

Hell I dont know....just trying to do the orange and black colors of halloween. :shrug:
Make it blood red and put fake fingers and hands in it, then surround the bowl with medical tools and bloody gauze.
Okay, okay.

Bloody Brain

1 part(s) Goldschlager
1 part(s) Bailey's Irish Cream
3 drop(s) Tabasco Sauce

In goes the Goldschlager, then the Bailey's, add a couple of drops of tabasco and shoot. The drink is pure evill; best enjoyed straight after doing a cocktail in one.
put a bowl inside the bowl with water and dry ice so that the punch is covered in myst and you get some myst on top of your drink after your pour it.

Yo dawg, we heard you like bowls so we put a....oh fuck it...