AMD 1800X fuck smashing "all" the Intel 5960X records.

i hope it does as good as you hope odio, competition is a great thing.

wheres the 7700k vs 1700 framerates in various games, have they done that yet? my money is still on intel

Intel CPU's like tighter timings more than higher frequency. That's why the ram is 3200 with tight timings vs 3600 with loose timings.

Other people are now confirming that Ryzen > Kraby lake when paired with high frequency ram: Do we have any other benchmarks to validate MindBlank Tech's Ryzen claims with faster RAM? : Amd
I'm working on one. Close to 20 games and a couple work load apps. So far I am having mixed results.
GTA, RotTR, Overwatch, WoW, and 7zip saw a decent improvement (up to 20% in some games.)
Witcher 3, CS GO, and Blender didn't see much at all.
I'm hoping to be done by Tuesday or Wednesday but I am benchmarking a ton of games and it's taking a long time.
This was going from 2133-3200mhz.
Even with the games that didn't gain all that much, there was still a slight gain. So memory for sure makes a difference so crank those speeds up everyone.

The only thing that is holding me off right now is that I don't know which motherboard to buy. There's a shortage for the ones that aren't garbage, and the rest are garbage. The ones that aren't garbage are still garbage because they can't even properly load XMP profiles. So the only way to get 3200mhz+ ram is to overclock the blck.
Premature. They got those results by just disabling cores/threads of 1800x in the bios. The ram isn't even 3200mhz.

Real R5s have only been floating around the past 2-3 days. Some shops in South America got them early. Doesn't officially launch until April 11.

Unfortunately, Brazilians are just as bad at configuring computers as they are at playing computer games, so numbers based on properly built systems are probably still 3 weeks away.
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X, 1500X Gaming Performance - YouTube

it looks like the cheaper ryzen 5 chips are beating i3/i5
but i7s are still beating ryzen 7 in that vid

or is this video premature

avg fps is a poor metric for performance.
look at variance in fps not just a block average. ryzen might average well, but it spends quite a bit of time rendering high latency frames. its not as good as intel for gaming.

Where minimum-FPS figures mislead, frame-time analysis shines - The Tech Report - Page 1

I'm literally going to buy everything else first. So then when I am sitting here with 1440p G-sync 165hz monitor, and Corsair K70, and Zowie mouse and the most ergonomic office chair in the world.

Then i'll be like god damn, my computer is a piece of shit. I really need to upgrade this thing. GTX960 not going to be able to push 165hz G-sync at 1440p imo. This means my upgrade will happen sooner than later. I can't upgrade anything else in this PC, except maybe newer SATA SSD. Other than that, It is at 110%.


I'm literally going to buy everything else first. So then when I am sitting here with 1440p G-sync 165hz monitor, and Corsair K70, and Zowie mouse and the most ergonomic office chair in the world.

so u'd rather have all that shit than a nice computer

cart before the horse etc.


I'm literally going to buy everything else first. So then when I am sitting here with 1440p G-sync 165hz monitor, and Corsair K70, and Zowie mouse and the most ergonomic office chair in the world.

Then i'll be like god damn, my computer is a piece of shit. I really need to upgrade this thing. GTX960 not going to be able to push 165hz G-sync at 1440p imo. This means my upgrade will happen sooner than later. I can't upgrade anything else in this PC, except maybe newer SATA SSD. Other than that, It is at 110%.


