[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

she can grip me like that ne time

vanster i was perhaps hard on you earlier


but you know.......check it out yourself

if you can navigate the internet enough to scroll a time bar on a link



I know it feels like an amazing victory because of all the tears but this is how it SHOULD be. This country has value. Our homes, our cities are amazing. It did not happen by accident. If you want to move here - we are pretty much all for it within reason. But if you are going to fuck the country in the ass and not follow the rules? GTFO. Even better - don't let the fuckers in. Want to visit? We love tourists. Come take a peek. Shit - plenty of people to marry as well. It's not like it's hard to follow the rules and get what you want.
Yeah - jobs in a country are important. Some countries are almost impossible to get work in. There are ways around it. I haven't been following what the process is like in the US. Probably over-complicated like many things.

If I was in charge, it would go like this -

The Brasstax Permission to Seek Work Visa -

You are applying for the BPTSW Visa. What does this give you? By completing this process, you will be given permission to come to my country as a tourist for 90 days. During that time, you also have permission to seek work in my country. If you find work, your employer needs to vouch for you. One this is done, you are welcome to stay as long as you want as long as you are working, paying taxes and following the rules.

The questions:

1) Are you a dickhead?
2) Do you have a criminal record? Please describe.
3) Have you ever committed a crime? Please describe.
4) Write 2 paragraphs about why you want to visit and work in Brasstaxland. You may illustrate this if you would like.
5) Do you have any infectious diseases?
6) Are you sure you aren't a dickhead?

OK welcome.
I tried to go to Canada (right up the road) just to say I've been to Canada. They wouldn't let me in even though I was just going to turn right back around and come home. Reason they gave was the 4 non violent, non drug related, non sex related, felonies I have. Yet they allow terrorists in no prob.

Told those leafs the day of the rake would come sooner than they thought, told em their PM was a super cuck child rapist, and they could all go fuck themselves.

USA is best anyway. :sunny: