[Official] TW Awards 2009

the jason k0tz serial rapist thread should be worth something. i mean it resulted in a word being filtered in the system. is there any other thread thats caused that?

and isuk as creapiest poster.
I don't think anybody can touch you in that category. If making backfiring threads were a sport, you'd be Michael Jordan. If you did it for a living, you'd be Bill Gates. Your threads backfire through the time-space continuum, until time-dilation moves them forward again, and even THEN they backfire. You're the king.

This is the truth. If you go to any triple thread and remove all posts except for triples, he will ruin the thread on his own.
I don't think anybody can touch you in that category. If making backfiring threads were a sport, you'd be Michael Jordan. If you did it for a living, you'd be Bill Gates. Your threads backfire through the time-space continuum, until time-dilation moves them forward again, and even THEN they backfire. You're the king.


+3 for using time-dilation in a diss successfully

perfect 10/10 sir gj


MME is easily the funniest poster this year and other years