Nofix & Stilgar: i'm calling you out (Kura-Fu)

kura's working really hard on his blitzkrieg campaign... with 4 posts per page... "from work"...

:lol: Basically I called him out about his lies about his education and career. He looked really stupid and had some sort of mental breakdown. And here we are. Furthermore, he was always a creepy stalker. See: the Animo incident, which is probably one of the creepiest things in TW history. If I had tits, I would never stop touching them. It is pretty similar. I mean, he isn't even making logical sense. "YOU TOTALLY FLIPPED OUT, BUT IM THE ONE THAT PUT YOU ON IGNORE (BECAUSE OF A DARE, NOT BECAUSE YOU MADE ME UPSET,) POSTED ABOUT YOU IN 50 THREADS, DID 50 SHITTY PHOTOSHOPS OF YOU, AND STARTED THREADS ABOUT YOU. YOU WERE THE ONE THAT WAS TROLLED, NOT ME."He talks about preserving his "e-cred" (his words, not mine,) and then turns around and pulls shit like this without realizing how pathetic and desperate it makes him look. I really got to the guy. Indeed. I have made many threads about you. :lol: By the way, TseTse. Would you mind explaining why you didn't bother getting your philosophy doctorate in spite of completing all of the research for the dissertation again? Also, could you perhaps explain the "real high level public policy shit" that you claim to be involved in and use as justification for your text walls and lack of education? I don't need specifics, I'd just like to know on what level your "public policy shit" pertains to (municipal, state, national, etc) and perhaps a general field (economics, PR, douchebagity, etc.) I don't think that either of these questions are unreasonable. By the way, TseTse. Would you mind explaining why you didn't bother getting your philosophy doctorate in spite of completing all of the research for the dissertation again? Also, could you perhaps explain the "real high level public policy shit" that you claim to be involved in and use as justification for your text walls and lack of education? I don't need specifics, I'd just like to know what level your "public policy shit" pertains to (municipal, state, national, etc) and perhaps a general field (economics, PR, douchebagity, etc.) I don't think that either of these questions are unreasonable. Still terrified to answer, huh? My theory is that TW is the only place where you're taken even slightly seriously. You most likely have something like a business degree from a community college and work in the county clerk's office (or something similar.) The internet gives you the ability to present yourself as something that you are not, so you capitalize upon that fact and, as is plainly seen, get incredibly defensive and upset whenever anybody challenges you on it. You claim to be ballsy and "unaffected" by the internet, yet you constantly overreact and run and hide whenever somebody (like fraggle) offers to meet you. You are so insecure that you won't even refuse to meet somebody--you just make stupid off-topic comments and disappear, hoping that people will forget. If you were truly somebody with a post graduate education that is involved in "real policy shit" in NYC, then you would not have time to post gigantic text walls in political threads all day every day. Not to mention that you wouldn't have time to stalk Animo or come up with dozens of Photoshops of me in a 24 hour period. You're a charlatan. And you're as transparent as glass. Feel free to post another sub-par Photoshop or quote yourself at this point. God knows that you can't hold your own in a debate when confronted and called out. By the way, since you're so ballsy, how about a recent photo of you? You were definitely the loudest detractor in fraggle's recent thread, yet we've never seen you at all. No? Big surprise there. But hey, at least we know that you're still a wellspring of self confidence. :) Well, I pretty much called that. It was taken at Christmas time. The shit on the sofa is wrapping paper. I'm holding lotto cards (I had just turned 18) and happened to glance up at the TV while the picture was taken. It's not a very exciting story, I'm afraid. I've never understood why the stalkers used that one. I had posted several in the past, including a much larger and higher quality head on shot. I even look particularly stupid in that one because it was taken at the start of a hailstorm and it was hitting me in the face. Yes. TseTse deserves a new word. For a post-graduate student, your reading comprehension is rather poor. My point was that there was a far worse picture of me available to the stalkers, but they didn't take it. It's rather baffling. No longer hosted. Sorry, MME. Besides, I'm an emo that's afraid to be himself. Sure, TseTse. Right after we see a single one of you. Gigafool Do you have any dares for TseTse today? If I die, I want Gigafool charged. This is my will. Edit: And I want TseTse to be his cell mate. OK. Where will you be? I see. That's a terrible area for anything outdoorsy.But you'd have a straight shot up to the Whites on I-93. 2.5 hours or so from Boston, I think. Providing traffic isn't bad (I use I-91 just to avoid being anywhere near Boston, personally.) Sorry, TseTse. We didn't mean to shift the attention away from you for two seconds. You shouldn't do that, you know. When I told Ash_Parnal to kill herself, she sent me like six PMs and threatened to have the internet police come after me. I learned that telling somebody to kill themselves on the internet is a very serious crime and is no laughing matter. Well I think that there's a rather large difference between telling a grown woman to kill herself when she's being obnoxious and threatening to murder a toddler. But the important thing here is to figure out what the internet police think of soliciting murder. Gigafool told TseTse to murder me. I have no doubt that TseTse is mentally unstable enough to consider it. I believe that this is a class A internet felony, but somebody should check with Ash. Bump. I'm totally enraged. By the way, TseTse. Would you mind explaining why you didn't bother getting your philosophy doctorate in spite of completing all of the research for the dissertation again? Also, could you perhaps explain the "real high level public policy shit" that you claim to be involved in and use as justification for your text walls and lack of education? I don't need specifics, I'd just like to know on what level your "public policy shit" pertains to (municipal, state, national, etc) and perhaps a general field (economics, PR, douchebagity, etc.) I don't think that either of these questions are unreasonable. He has. I don't have an exact count, though. TseTse also realized what a douche he looked like in this thread and was trying to let it die. I couldn't let that happen, though. Gweedo, I don't think that you want to be the one guy in this thread that is siding with TseTse just because I make fun of you. I'm just saying. 'sup, guys. I am in a rage right now. I am actually seeing red and I am shaking. How about you? TseTse, in case you're keeping score here, Fear2 is making you look pretty stupid. Jesusfreak, according to you everybody is my smurf. Weren't you saying that TseTse was my smurf yesterday? Go pray to the invisible man in the sky for guidance. Considering that cogz AKA Mighty Monkey routinely makes fun of my dead mother, I rather doubt it. My leading theory is that Teratos is just stupid. TseTse definitely is not upset. Because TseTse is full of shit, Ender, and the internet is the only place where he's even taken slightly seriously. Read any political thread. There are a handful of people on the forum too dumb to read CNN themselves and need TseTse to act as if he is some sort of expert corespondent. I'd say that they number less than 10, but they do take him seriously. Or at least they did before his mental breakdown. I don't know about now. GUYS EVERYBODY THAT SEES THAT I AM A HUGE FAGGOT IS A SMURF ITS ALL ONE PERSON TseTse, is Stilgar now a smurf too because he acknowledges that you're a weirdo? How does it feel to be such a total failure that you can't even kill yourself properly? Nope. I did finish all research for my dissertation, after all. "Bew could have written that"? :lol: Give me access to search and I will find the original thread. In fact, I even posted in it. Ridiculing you for being a faggot. Have you ever succeeded at anything, FuFu? You failed at suicide. You failed at academia--I'm sure that philosophy degree will get you far. You failed at dealing drugs--you were robbed by a nerd from the internet with a swiss army knife. And you failed at life--you're a self-admitted 23-year-old drug addict sponging off mommy and daddy. Once, there was a boy that made a really stupid post on a video game forum. Nobody liked him. Reason: He was a faggot. You know what the best part about your picture is, FuFu? Then there's FuFu, who looks ridiculous, has a philosophy degree, and spends 24/7 smoking pot. Or he will quote things out of context. He has this great block of quotes that he posts to "own" me every once in a while (he actually has it saved to a text file.) Basically, he linked to an arabic website and made a long-winded post about its contents. There was an English translation available, but he linked to the foreign language version in an attempt to look worldly and appear to be "in the know." I called him on it and basically said, "and now you pretend to speak Arabic?" Several people said "it's Farsi, not Arabic." Another person added that there was an English translation available, to which I replied, "I know." TseTse omits the last post in his block of quotes and has me saying "I know" to the "it's Farsi, not Arabic" comment even though it wasn't the one I quoted. :lol: He's posted this like half a dozen times in the past month. The thread in question is from like 4 years ago. I think that alone is a pretty good indication of his mental state. How am I second place if absent is unbanned at #1 (with more than 2x the ignores that I have,) somebody else is at #2, and orbital is #3? TseTse, are you autistic? Have you ever been diagnosed with mental illness? If you can be honest about being either autistic or mentally ill, I will give you my word that I will back off you. It clearly bothers you, but I wouldn't feel right picking on a mentally disabled person. However, if you're going to attempt to continue keeping up this farcical portrayal of what you believe is "normal" behavior, then I am just going to have to continue hammering you and sending you into these spastic rages. It came out that he was trying to get a doctorate of philosophy before "real policy shit" interceded and forced him to drop out of the program in spite of completing the (very difficult!) curriculum and research. He's a joke. The doctorate that he lied about having isn't even in a subject that academia takes seriously. Maybe he went to an autistic university, though. Rayn, please don't reveal that Fear2 and Ztir are my smurf accounts. Thanks. Has anybody else noticed that Stilgar is almost as dumb/weird a TseTse, ? He reminds me of a more articulate version of the stapler guy from Office Space.

no offense but you definitely are

along with everyone else who has made paragraph-shaped posts in this thread

no offense taken

this will be my 100th post since registering on tw years ago, i'm not sure if that gives you enough basis to say that i'm definitely trying hard since i rarely post but ok

and you're wrong about the last part, tsetse isn't really writing paragraph-shaped posts and he's tried the hardest so far, you gotta give him credit

just fyi ;)
I think the funniest thing about the whole thing is the fact that the picture being used to ps Kurachops is not in fact a real picture of kurayami.
kura is really butthurt and nerd raging.

his obsession is compelling him to lead a middle school mob or something. VIVA LA REVOLUTION
um i'm pretty sure u have it totally backwards

he didn't make a thread about you, photoshopping your face on every single stupid picture he could find and animating most of them
#1 poster
#1 troll
#1 stalker
#1 most laughed at, photochopped, etc
#2 most ignored............ (i wasnt even top 50)
#1 most voted for ban............... (i not even nominated)
#1 most self-absorbed

Oh, I'm sorry.
Do you find this thread to be embarrassing, TseTse? ;)

Not in the slightest, actually. Thanks for bumping it.

um i'm pretty sure u have it totally backwards

he didn't make a thread about you, photoshopping your face on every single stupid picture he could find and animating most of them

Notice that TseTse shied away from calling me a "stalker" in this thread.

That's awfully--to quote the man himself--"milk toast." :lol:
can someone who has search find out how many times tsetse has done that post

i'm guessing it would be in the range of 100-150 at least