64 Tickrate Tribes


We are releasing a 64 tickrate tribes, this is what we've been testing for a while. Some of you have tried to join and found yourself unable to move, this is because of the tickrate differential, so 32 tick clients won't work on a 64 tick server, and vice versa. This is the same as our 64 bit tribes in that it uses a 1.11 config, though 4 script files have been provided, and will be needed for 64 tickrate tribes to work. Likewise there are network settings for packetrate and frame that should be provided in order to match network traffic to the tickrate. Plenty of other fixes have been added, and the libraries used have been updated to slightly newer than v40 x64 tribes. The most notable changes are that the ski-bug may have been fixed, and client side flag(and object) collisions can be disabled as there are circumstances where your client would incorrectly interpolate these collisions, in team rabbit apparently. Check the readme for more information.
get it here: Tribesx64_57.zip - Google Drive
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Amazing, cant wait to try and get the feel of it, thank you

but also, has terrain warping ever been addressed? I tried the 1.11 64bit client before and was having crazy terrain warping.

tried messing around with the [$pref::screenSize = "1";] numbers as that was the command to fix the warping before in old 1.11 configs, but it doesn't seem to do anything now.
(thanks lemon)

to take advantage of increased packet rate capability:

remember to disable any mem.dll or radahlp.dll in your 1.11 config when running x64
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I believe I can fly.

Game Version = 1.1998
Min Pack Frame 16
Max Pack Frame 256
Min Pack Rate 1
Max Pack Rate 60

It appears that my max packet rate is 60. WHAT THE FUCK

Game Version = 1.1998
Min Pack Frame 16
Max Pack Frame 256
Min Pack Rate 1
Max Pack Rate 60

It appears that my max packet rate is 60. WHAT THE FUCK


Its hard coded to that in 57, we'll look at what it is supposed to be, I doubled the original number there, and believe it was 30 beforehand however. also the options.cs could do with some more work.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: CmdView.cs 1.4Beta // Author: Runar/Freaky // Credits: Freaky, and Coca-Cola for keeping me awake.. // Info: Places a mini-commander on your screen. // // History: 1.4 Added autoposition for 1024x768 and 800x600. // // 1.3 Totally new approach, ONLY use the PlayGui. // Features BOTH the normal and the mini commander. // Now this of course also has some drawbacks: // // -Will NOT work on bad connections, if you have // problems changing weapons or fireing, just // toggle the cmdview off. This is feature is NOT // for HPB's, sorry about that. // -MUST replace the original commander button. // -You need to open the commander once to get the // guis in place after a new mission has been // started. // -Pressing "c" (the commander key) will cause a // slight delay or lag before and after accessing // the original commander. // -You need to toggle the CmdView ON after every // death/inventory/objective screen. // -Messes up the tab-menu a bit, Toggle CmdView // off before looking at tab-menu. Or if you // already pressed Tab and cant close it, just // close the CmdView and Tab again. // -If something crashes, you may end up with a // broken PlayGui, in that case just delete // Tribes\Config\play.gui. Should not be very // likely to happen now though. // -Still does NOT work on BWadmin servers :\ // Really need to talk to Wizard or poker. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do we want the sensor range visible? $CmdView::mapsensorrange = "True"; // Do we want the sensor range translucent? $CmdView::mapSensorTranslucent = "TRUE"; // Do we want object names on the map? $CmdView::mapnames = "FALSE"; // Commander Map Filter, default "1" // Bit 0 = Show Players // Bit 1 = Show Turrets // Bit 2 = Show Items // Bit 3 = Show Objects // $CmdView::mapFilter = "1"; // This may need to be raised for HPB's $CmdView::Delay = "0.3"; // Need this.. $CmdView::Active = "False"; $CmdView::Exist = "False"; //Keybinds // DONT TOUCH THIS LINE editActionMap("actionMap.sae"); bindCommand(Keyboard0, make, "backspace", TO, "CmdView::CommandMode();"); bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "backspace", TO, ""); // Replace the normal Commander key, re-bind the original in 'Options' bindCommand(Keyboard0, make, "c", TO, "CmdView::Change();"); bindCommand(Keyboard0, break, "c", TO, ""); // Attach our events Event::Attach(EventYouSpawned, CmdView::TogOn); Event::Attach(EventStationOff, CmdView::TogOn); Event::Attach(eventPlayGUICreated, CmdView::Create); Event::Attach(eventGuiOpen, CmdView::onGuiOpen); Event::Attach(eventExit, CmdView::Destroy); //toggle on after inv use function CmdView::TogOn() { if ($CmdView::status) { schedule("CmdView::CommandMode();", 0.5); } } // Decide what position to use if($pref::VideoFullScreenRes == "1024x768") { // Size and Position for 1024x768 $CmdView::Width = 200; $CmdView::Height = 200; $CmdView::Xpos = 778; $CmdView::Ypos = 523; } else { // Size and Position for 800x600 $CmdView::Width = 200; $CmdView::Height = 180; $CmdView::Xpos = 0; $CmdView::Ypos = 420; } function CmdView::Create() { // Make sure we dont make 2 if($CmdView::Exist) return; // Delete old objects CmdView::Destroy(); // Delete the entire CommandGui if(isObject(CommandGui)) deleteobject(CommandGui); // Here's the main container %hudContainer=newObject("CmdView_Container", SimGui::Control, $CmdView::Xpos, $CmdView::Ypos, $CmdView::Width, $CmdView::Height); // Heres the background %mapbg = newObject("CmdView_BG", FearGui::FearGuiMenu, 0, 0, $CmdView::Width, $CmdView::Height); // Create the new CommanderMap object TS_140201 IDCTG_CMD_TS %mapgui = newobject("CmdView_Gui", Feargui::TScommander, 3, 2, $CmdView::Width-6, $CmdView::Height-4); // Add our controls to the container addToSet("CmdView_Container", %mapbg); addToSet("CmdView_Container", %mapgui); // Add the whole container to PlayGui addToSet(PlayGui, %hudContainer); // Init our map prefs $pref::mapsensorrange = $CmdView::mapsensorrange; $pref::mapSensorTranslucent = $CmdView::mapSensorTranslucent; $pref::mapnames = $CmdView::mapnames; $pref::mapfilter = $CmdView::mapfilter; // Re-build the commandermap rebuildcommandmap(); // Re-size and re-position CmdView::Resize(); Control::SetPosition(CmdView_Container, $CmdView::Xpos, $CmdView::Ypos); // We don't want it visible yet Control::setVisible(CmdView_Container, "False"); // Now the objects are there $CmdView::Exist = "True"; return; } // Triggered onGuiOpen function CmdView::onGuiOpen(%gui) { if(%gui == "playGui") CmdView::PlayMode(); return; } // This is our Toggle Off function function CmdView::PlayMode() { // if($CmdView::Exist != "True") // return; // Make it un-visible Control::setVisible(CmdView_Container, "False"); // Go to playmode remoteEval(2048, PlayMode); // CmdView is NOT active now $CmdView::Active = "False"; return; } // This is our Toggle On function function CmdView::CommandMode() { // if($CmdView::Exist != "True") // return; // Make it visible Control::setVisible(CmdView_Container, True); // Go to CommandMode remoteEval(2048, CommandMode); // Force full bandwidth RemoteEval(2048, "scom", -1); // Turn off the cursor Schedule("CursorOff(mainwindow);", $CmdView::Delay); // CmdView IS active now $CmdView::Active = "True"; return; } // The actual toggle function function CmdView::Toggle() { if($CmdView::Active) { // Go to PlayMode $CmdView::status=false; CmdView::PlayMode(); } else { // Go to CommandMode $CmdView::status=true; CmdView::CommandMode(); } return; } // The function to switch between large/small commander function CmdView::Change() { if($CmdView::Exist) { // Recreate Commander CmdView::Restore(); // Go to CommandMode schedule("remoteEval(2048, CommandMode);", 0.5); } else { // Go to playmode remoteEval(2048, PlayMode); // Create CmdView schedule("CmdView::Create();", 0.5); } return; } // Re-size and re-position totally strange that I need this at all.. function CmdView::Resize() { Control::SetPosition("CmdView_Gui", 3, 2); Control::SetExtent("CmdView_Gui", $CmdView::Width-6, $CmdView::Height-4); return; } // Restore Original Commander function CmdView::Restore() { // Delete all traces of CmdView CmdView::Destroy(); // Load a brand new CommandGui if(!isObject(CommandGui)) loadObject("CommandGui", "gui\\command.gui"); // Re-build the commandermap schedule("rebuildcommandmap();", 0.5); return; } // Delete all "CmdView_*" objects function CmdView::Destroy() { // Delete all objects HUD::Destroy("CmdView_"); // Now the objects are gone $CmdView::Exist = "False"; return; } $Viking::CmdView = "TRUE"; //useful...add to support when packaging function HUD::Destroy(%hudstring) { %ngs = nameToId(NamedGuiSet); %len = Group::objectCount(%ngs); for(%i = 0; %i < %len; %i++) { %obj = Group::getObject(%ngs, %i); %objectName=Object::getName(%obj); if(String::findSubStr(%objectname, %hudstring) != -1 ) deleteObject(%obj); } return; }

it's in the viking pack
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: CmdView.cs 1.4Beta // Author: Runar/Freaky // Credits: Freaky, and Coca-Cola for keeping me awake.. // Info: Places a mini-commander on your screen. // // History: 1.4 Added autoposition for 1024x768 and 800x600. // // 1.3 Totally new approach, ONLY use the PlayGui. // Features BOTH the normal and the mini commander. // Now this of course also has some drawbacks: // // -Will NOT work on bad connections, if you have // problems changing weapons or fireing, just // toggle the cmdview off. This is feature is NOT // for HPB's, sorry about that. // -MUST replace the original commander button. // -You need to open the commander once to get the // guis in place after a new mission has been // started. // -Pressing "c" (the commander key) will cause a // slight delay or lag before and after accessing // the original commander. // -You need to toggle the CmdView ON after every // death/inventory/objective screen. // -Messes up the tab-menu a bit, Toggle CmdView // off before looking at tab-menu. Or if you // already pressed Tab and cant close it, just // close the CmdView and Tab again. // -If something crashes, you may end up with a // broken PlayGui, in that case just delete // Tribes\Config\play.gui. Should not be very // likely to happen now though. // -Still does NOT work on BWadmin servers :\ // Really need to talk to Wizard or poker. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Do we want the sensor range visible? $CmdView::mapsensorrange = "True"; // Do we want the sensor range translucent? $CmdView::mapSensorTranslucent = "TRUE"; // Do we want object names on the map? $CmdView::mapnames = "FALSE"; // Commander Map Filter, default "1" // Bit 0 = Show Players // Bit 1 = Show Turrets // Bit 2 = Show Items // Bit 3 = Show Objects // $CmdView::mapFilter = "1"; // This may need to be raised for HPB's $CmdView::Delay = "0.3"; // Need this.. $CmdView::Active = "False"; $CmdView::Exist = "False"; //Keybinds // DONT TOUCH THIS LINE editActionMap("actionMap.sae"); bindCommand(Keyboard0, make, "backspace", TO, "CmdView::CommandMode();"); bindCommand(keyboard0, break, "backspace", TO, ""); // Replace the normal Commander key, re-bind the original in 'Options' bindCommand(Keyboard0, make, "c", TO, "CmdView::Change();"); bindCommand(Keyboard0, break, "c", TO, ""); // Attach our events Event::Attach(EventYouSpawned, CmdView::TogOn); Event::Attach(EventStationOff, CmdView::TogOn); Event::Attach(eventPlayGUICreated, CmdView::Create); Event::Attach(eventGuiOpen, CmdView::onGuiOpen); Event::Attach(eventExit, CmdView::Destroy); //toggle on after inv use function CmdView::TogOn() { if ($CmdView::status) { schedule("CmdView::CommandMode();", 0.5); } } // Decide what position to use if($pref::VideoFullScreenRes == "1024x768") { // Size and Position for 1024x768 $CmdView::Width = 200; $CmdView::Height = 200; $CmdView::Xpos = 778; $CmdView::Ypos = 523; } else { // Size and Position for 800x600 $CmdView::Width = 200; $CmdView::Height = 180; $CmdView::Xpos = 0; $CmdView::Ypos = 420; } function CmdView::Create() { // Make sure we dont make 2 if($CmdView::Exist) return; // Delete old objects CmdView::Destroy(); // Delete the entire CommandGui if(isObject(CommandGui)) deleteobject(CommandGui); // Here's the main container %hudContainer=newObject("CmdView_Container", SimGui::Control, $CmdView::Xpos, $CmdView::Ypos, $CmdView::Width, $CmdView::Height); // Heres the background %mapbg = newObject("CmdView_BG", FearGui::FearGuiMenu, 0, 0, $CmdView::Width, $CmdView::Height); // Create the new CommanderMap object TS_140201 IDCTG_CMD_TS %mapgui = newobject("CmdView_Gui", Feargui::TScommander, 3, 2, $CmdView::Width-6, $CmdView::Height-4); // Add our controls to the container addToSet("CmdView_Container", %mapbg); addToSet("CmdView_Container", %mapgui); // Add the whole container to PlayGui addToSet(PlayGui, %hudContainer); // Init our map prefs $pref::mapsensorrange = $CmdView::mapsensorrange; $pref::mapSensorTranslucent = $CmdView::mapSensorTranslucent; $pref::mapnames = $CmdView::mapnames; $pref::mapfilter = $CmdView::mapfilter; // Re-build the commandermap rebuildcommandmap(); // Re-size and re-position CmdView::Resize(); Control::SetPosition(CmdView_Container, $CmdView::Xpos, $CmdView::Ypos); // We don't want it visible yet Control::setVisible(CmdView_Container, "False"); // Now the objects are there $CmdView::Exist = "True"; return; } // Triggered onGuiOpen function CmdView::onGuiOpen(%gui) { if(%gui == "playGui") CmdView::PlayMode(); return; } // This is our Toggle Off function function CmdView::PlayMode() { // if($CmdView::Exist != "True") // return; // Make it un-visible Control::setVisible(CmdView_Container, "False"); // Go to playmode remoteEval(2048, PlayMode); // CmdView is NOT active now $CmdView::Active = "False"; return; } // This is our Toggle On function function CmdView::CommandMode() { // if($CmdView::Exist != "True") // return; // Make it visible Control::setVisible(CmdView_Container, True); // Go to CommandMode remoteEval(2048, CommandMode); // Force full bandwidth RemoteEval(2048, "scom", -1); // Turn off the cursor Schedule("CursorOff(mainwindow);", $CmdView::Delay); // CmdView IS active now $CmdView::Active = "True"; return; } // The actual toggle function function CmdView::Toggle() { if($CmdView::Active) { // Go to PlayMode $CmdView::status=false; CmdView::PlayMode(); } else { // Go to CommandMode $CmdView::status=true; CmdView::CommandMode(); } return; } // The function to switch between large/small commander function CmdView::Change() { if($CmdView::Exist) { // Recreate Commander CmdView::Restore(); // Go to CommandMode schedule("remoteEval(2048, CommandMode);", 0.5); } else { // Go to playmode remoteEval(2048, PlayMode); // Create CmdView schedule("CmdView::Create();", 0.5); } return; } // Re-size and re-position totally strange that I need this at all.. function CmdView::Resize() { Control::SetPosition("CmdView_Gui", 3, 2); Control::SetExtent("CmdView_Gui", $CmdView::Width-6, $CmdView::Height-4); return; } // Restore Original Commander function CmdView::Restore() { // Delete all traces of CmdView CmdView::Destroy(); // Load a brand new CommandGui if(!isObject(CommandGui)) loadObject("CommandGui", "gui\\command.gui"); // Re-build the commandermap schedule("rebuildcommandmap();", 0.5); return; } // Delete all "CmdView_*" objects function CmdView::Destroy() { // Delete all objects HUD::Destroy("CmdView_"); // Now the objects are gone $CmdView::Exist = "False"; return; } $Viking::CmdView = "TRUE"; //useful...add to support when packaging function HUD::Destroy(%hudstring) { %ngs = nameToId(NamedGuiSet); %len = Group::objectCount(%ngs); for(%i = 0; %i < %len; %i++) { %obj = Group::getObject(%ngs, %i); %objectName=Object::getName(%obj); if(String::findSubStr(%objectname, %hudstring) != -1 ) deleteObject(%obj); } return; }

it's in the viking pack

link dead for me

i dont really care about radar but i would appreciate if someone could upload a config that works out of the box with this x64 stuff. last time i tried 1.11 config it had a bunch of hud elements hard coded and keybinds set in 5 different places so you can never rebind anything. felt rly smooth tho compared to 1.40
1. Install Tribes 1.11
2. Add 64 tick stuff
3. Make sure you use the "new" master servers
4. Sign up for the beta testing
5. Profit

Heimdal's Tribes Relics scripts>runars>viking for viking pack with radar hud (expert users only)
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do u have a tribes 1.11 config?

no, couldnt find any that worked 100% and anyone i asked for help would tell me to just use 1.40. i see various people say they use 1.11 with the new x64 tribes but i couldnt get it to work.

i do have a 1.11 that loads and i can join servers with w/o x64 but its an absolute mess (48 files in just the root directory) and i cant rebind any keys
no, couldnt find any that worked 100% and anyone i asked for help would tell me to just use 1.40. i see various people say they use 1.11 with the new x64 tribes but i couldnt get it to work.

i do have a 1.11 that loads and i can join servers with w/o x64 but its an absolute mess (48 files in just the root directory) and i cant rebind any keys

open autoexec.cs and paste contents here

you can also delete that file and clientprefs.cs and start basically fresh
deleted the autoexec and i was able to start the older version of x64 tribes that was uploaded (Tribes_x64_40), but the one here i have no visible cursor and when i click options or play it immediately crashes. also the command $Terrain_NoWarping=True; does not work for me at all
Can you install a default 1.11 config from the Tribes cd(iso is available at tribesuniverse.com, and all the patches are here Browsing Updates/Patches - Tribes Repository Do you have any dlls like mem.dll or radahlp.dll in the config? those will definitely cause issues. We're mulling over a bare bones configuration with the high resolution textures and a jump script.

On the packet rate, 60 is appropriate. update delay is calculated by taking 1000 / packetRate, so this works out to 16 ms between each packet, which is what we want. so the documentation is wrong about 64 and we'll update that.
$Terrain_NoWarping=True; does not work for me at all
Try $Terrain::NoWarping=True; instead with :: instead of _
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Can you install a default 1.11 config from the Tribes cd(iso is available at tribesuniverse.com, and all the patches are here Browsing Updates/Patches - Tribes Repository Do you have any dlls like mem.dll or radahlp.dll in the config? those will definitely cause issues. We're mulling over a bare bones configuration with the high resolution textures and a jump script.

On the packet rate, 60 is appropriate. update delay is calculated by taking 1000 / packetRate, so this works out to 16 ms between each packet, which is what we want. so the documentation is wrong about 64 and we'll update that.

Try $Terrain::NoWarping=True; instead with :: instead of _

i appreciate the help, heres where im at:

dled "tribes" from tribesuniverse, the file was called StarsiegeAndStarsiegeTribes.iso yet it only seems to include starsiege. went through the installation and i dont see how to install tribes from this iso


if theres some hangup you guys have with uploading a 1.11 config just pm me

at least i got this sweet deal for att tho
