[poll] is tribalwar getting more boring or am I just getting lazier

like I said Falhawk

you can't explain the concept of ballin to an average joe

just like you can't describe sound to a person who has been deaf since birth

on the periphery they know it exists but they don't know exactly what it is nor will they ever

like I couldn't describe personal responsibility to you

Cold hard facts: Your parents are ballers. They send their douchebag kid to another continent so that they don't have to put up with him. You've been in college for like 8 years getting a liberal arts degree that will never, ever, make you a "baller".

Also, please tell me more about my life. It is very entertaining and enlightening.
arsin is likely more psychotic and crazier than any girl I've ever dated in my entire life

and that's saying a lot
arsin is likely more psychotic and crazier than any girl I've ever dated in my entire life

and that's saying a lot

Obibun said:
I just awoke from a drunken slumber, so don't take this as any sort of drunk rant, but I figure while you're in hating-me-mode (and this should last for months, at least) I might as well sacrifice what small friendship we had reconstructed (and that you've managed to neglect far too often) to do the duty of pointing this out to you:

You're dating a hipster douchebag. Love may know no bounds, but growing up certainly does; and the guy you're with seems to have neglected this fact.

I mean, just FYI, but the guy you're with looks like he's sixteen and is the type who ends up becoming a career retail-store-manager mainly because no one will ever take seriously someone who looks like they never grew out of the highschool trends phase.

Like, yes, of course, I am being a tremendous asshole but it's been long enough now [ed's note- she's been dating him for almost a year] that you should have come to grips with the fact you're dating someone who creates jokes for every major internet outlet and most comedians simply by existing.

The fact you still get mad at me when I make fun of him shows me you've yet to accept the fact that your boyfriend dresses and likely acts like he's in Grade 10 instead of being well into his twenties.

I mean, I've never met the guy [ed's note - when we hang out she makes sure he's well away, mainly because he hates the fact she hangs out with me and I'd probably kick his ass were he around] but I'd bet my left nut that he acts like a hipster douchebag too - he probably thinks he's too smart and too cool for most regular people, which is a terrible shame - I may act like an egotistical douchebag from time to time, but I assure you that it is simply an act and I would never presume to behave that way around regular everyday people.

In any case name censored, ever since you've started dating this particular joke you'll notice it's always been a point of contention among us - mainly because you're far too smart and too talented to fall in love with someone like him, and in all honesty it bothers the hell out of me. I swear to Christ, if he doesn't wake up every day thanking his Hipster Jesus for the fact you came along then he really should start.

Anyway, I feel as a friend I had the duty of pointing out the kind of douchebag you were with - although I guarantee you're going to hate me for it, and I'm really more than comfortable with that.. our friendship was rather tepid while you were with him anyway, because I've always sided with "being friends with you" versus "trying to show you the kind of douche you've managed to fall in love with", but it's come to the point where I just don't care anymore.

I would seriously hope that if I fell in love with a girl who was equally as laughable, you'd do the right thing and point it out to me.

In any case, I did want to show you History of the World Pt. 1 soon [ed's note - girl is heavy into Roman/Greek history, and has never seen this classic] but I don't think Captain Boathouse would've been at all cool with it, and you likely hate me now so it's a non-issue. I'll talk to you after you eventually wake up & break up with this running joke, and until then I'll be cherishing the odd memory or two we cobbled together while you were with him.

Kind Regards,

seriously do you deny that you've done nothing but rage and froth at the mouth for the past 3 hours

I've managed to watch a few shows, give NS2 a spin and eat lunch while you've been sitting here trying to prove to yourself that you're not some mediocre salaried loser trying fitfully to believe he's accomplished a lot in life in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary from ballers like myself

you are completely average and unexciting in every way possible. it is likely why your girlfriend is mediocre looking and the extent of your entire life's sexual experience could be surpassed by three months of mine
seriously do you deny that you've done nothing but rage and froth at the mouth for the past 3 hours

I've managed to watch a few shows, give NS2 a spin and eat lunch while you've been sitting here trying to prove to yourself that you're not some mediocre salaried loser trying fitfully to believe he's accomplished a lot in life in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary from ballers like myself

I'm running reports that take a while to finish

I'm also wearing a dark grey sweater with light grey stripes

Its pretty warm in my office today so I have the window open

I think I'll head home shortly to make an elaborate dinner for my wife and I since our kids are with their inlaws for the week.

Would you like to know more?
seriously do you deny that you've done nothing but rage and froth at the mouth for the past 3 hours

I've managed to watch a few shows

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 211
Obibun 57
Falhawk 28
Al'Muktar 19
Detox.enD 11

falhawk's favorite thing to do on the internet: get super angry and post more than anyone else in a thread

obibunt's favorite thing to do on the internet: watch a few shows
hey obi buddy, how are you going to explain to all of your model girlfriends later that you live in this cardboard box because you couldn't get a job because you have a 14 year degree in arts and you've never actually had a real job so it has been hard to land a job and mom finally said no more son, you've drained me dry and her medical bills are getting too expensive and then she died and i have nothing wanna fuck?
you know every girl I've ever known in my life has told me that boring neckbeard guys who brag about a 9-5 job, paying bills and "owning property" are what really gets their motors running

like rofl

you mentioned you have some sort of girlfriend, I'm assuming a serious one

how does it feel to be the guy she settled for finally after spending the vast majority of her better years having way more fun fucking other dudes

srs question bro
I keep looking for the post in which I bragged about...anything.

If I say I make my own money and use it to pay for normal bills is that bragging?

I guess it could be construed that way, sort of like eating a nice dinner in front of a starving person who has no way of getting food for themselves.