HION: Downs Edition

taking a break from calling everyone a tranny in the cord the dockers are balancing their karma by virtue signaling about some downs chick that has already made more money than they ever will
taking a break from calling everyone a tranny in the cord the dockers are balancing their karma by virtue signaling about some downs chick that has already made more money than they ever will

creepy gramps tracks what's going on on discord and posts about it on tw despite claiming he doesn't use the cord Joop

you can't make this up lmfao :lol:
I just make assumptions based on your behavior and statements here. They're usually correct it seems. It's too easy and I'm beginning to feel a bit bad for mocking you all.
I just make assumptions based on your behavior and statements here. They're usually correct it seems. It's too easy and I'm beginning to feel a bit bad for mocking you all.


we already know you are old and angry gramps, you don't need to keep telling us Joop
God dammit...we're in here having some good downie fuck conversation and you fags have to come in here and gay it up with your love quarrels
In this thread we learned who believes downies are people, and who thinks they should be institutionalized and segregated from society. Maybe even spayed/ neutered or euthanized.
I couldn't. I don't know if that's the woke way. I guess if I had a daughter who was a downie I'd want her to one day live a normal life like anyone would. With a multicultural trans minority religious half lesbian man child who pumps her hard and gives us a grandwokechild.

But nah.. Juggs? omg