[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I guess I am the only one that saw the Mythbuster episode where they test the 4-way stop to the roundabout? Roundabout is 20% more efficient (or something like that) than the 4-way.

But - and this is just like the issue with completely moving the US to the metric system - the problem with removing the 4-way and replacing it with the roundabout is the cost. Something like 400k 4-way intersections or something like that and because the States would be involved, the contracts would be given to friends of the politicians where they increase the cost 1000%. And this isn't taking into account the additional real estate that will be required to create the roundabout as they typically take more land.

Same thing for the metric system. The cost associated with converting all the street, highway, and freeway signs is between 1 - 3 trillion dollars.

Both projects would be good work though, that's for sure.

I don't see what the benefit is to circles over an intersection, which works just fine

The first and only roundabout near me was built a few years back, it's two roundabouts actually that connect to each other in the place of a four way stop. I used to sit in traffic for 15 minutes every day because of this intersection on my way home from work. Since they built it I have never seen traffic back up. People still drive through it the wrong way. Intersections are stupid and do nothing but cause traffic to back up.
The first and only roundabout near me was built a few years back, it's two roundabouts actually that connect to each other in the place of a four way stop. I used to sit in traffic for 15 minutes every day because of this intersection on my way home from work. Since they built it I have never seen traffic back up. People still drive through it the wrong way. Intersections are stupid and do nothing but cause traffic to back up.

wow you mean traffic is reduced on the street? i wonder if that has anything to do with the half dozen retards stuck in the circle.

We have roundabouts that are like 3 lanes wide at the beach. its a constant clusterfuck because now they are not only dealing with a traffic object they've rarely dealt with, but also changing lanes at the same time.

1. a traffic circle and a roundabout are not the same thing

2. They reduce the number of injury crashes...not crashes. Thats DOT cherrypicking information, similar to what they do with stoplight cameras. The DOT tried to push the narrative that stoplight cameras reduced accidents.

No...stoplight cameras reduced 1 type of accidents (t-bone) but at the same time increased rear end collisions by the same amount

Gab archived all of @realdonaldtrump to a gab account. Recently the account upgraded to pro and a new post was made. Gab is slow af right now. Speculation is that it might be Trump, we will see. Nothing works right now for me.

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1. a traffic circle and a roundabout are not the same thing

2. They reduce the number of injury crashes...not crashes. Thats DOT cherrypicking information, similar to what they do with stoplight cameras. The DOT tried to push the narrative that stoplight cameras reduced accidents.

No...stoplight cameras reduced 1 type of accidents (t-bone) but at the same time increased rear end collisions by the same amount


Standard issue Juggletits response. Something is too complicated for your miniscule brain therefore it's wrong. And you post one clip of a retard who can't do roundabouts, and is also probably drunk, to substantiate your so-called point. How many clips you think I could find of people running red lights at intersections with far worse consequences?