I retrospective: isuk@tribes is fucking creepy


Please note that [opsayo analysis] the isuk dossier by Jislan - TribalWar Forums is required reading for this discussion.

It began so innocently:

Kurayami's name is Jonathan Rhodes... Seriously.

Enter: the creepy nerd



hello Jonathan Rhodes or is it Nick Rhodes?
Kurayami aka "The Darkness" aka Jonathan Rhodes of New Fairfield, CT

how are you today?
rosetta roads lives with john

and his brother nick rhodes is in PA with his dad
Kurayami is unresponsive to us calling him out about his name
Ya he didn't outright deny and :lol: it is his name I can tell.

What's up John Rhodes
hey jonathan rhodes how are you this wonderful evening? I know this your name so please don't try denying it :(

isuk then began name dropping in threads that I hadn't even participated in. Example:
I angered Jonathan Rhodes I don't believe I will be forgiven.

As if all that wasn't creepy enough, isuk did serious research, not only attempting to track down the identities and locations of my immediate family, but the very property value of my supposed residence:

thats not him the house is valued at 800K which is way to much money for kurayami

in addition

John is 52 years old rosetta (old womens name) is his wife

I already researched I believe he might be john rhodes but that is a family members home not his

in addition vernon(an area I already know Kurayami travels to) is to far away from new fairfax for that to be accurate

This behavior was then qualified with this statement:

I would never cross from the internet over into real life, what happens on the internet stays on the internet in my opinion, and it will stay that way with me I am zero threat to anyone.

To top it all off, he spent the better part of three days "interviewing" Nomad in an attempt to get further personal information out of him. That exchange ended like so:

Nomad said:
Nomad said:
KittyCat said:
Are you sure that is his name?

What happened when you called? I have a feeling that is old people.

You might be right on his name, but that isn't his phone or address.
God you are stupid

I believe this further proves that isuk@tribes is emotionally disturbed and suffers from severe mental problems.

I believe that he should be banned for not only his own safety, but for the safety of other TW members. He has clearly demonstrated the desire to bring Tribalwar "feuds" into the real world. This infringes upon TW's only real hard and fast rule: that real life does not meet the forum.

All in all, I feel pretty sorry for Jonathan Rhodes, because I'm 100% certain that he was called by isuk and half a dozen other angry nerds. :lol:

yeah, this thread is awesome

isuk is fucking scary, i hope he can find something else (outside of tw) to occupy most/all of his free time soon.