150 Days

So, you think Diablo 3 is really 150 days out? It's not as far fetched as one would think. Not when you take into consideration it has been in development for like 3-4 years. I'm skeptical of this release date. But I hope it's real.
Just imagine how much money Blizzard is going to make. WoW suscriptions + WotLK, D3, and SC2.....fucking christ.
Morrisroe stated stylized graphics are one of the pillars of Blizzard's design philosophy, but stylized doesn't always mean cartoony. "Stylization, sometimes people can equate that with being a little bit cartoony or a Disney art style but that's really not what we're going after with the Diablo art style here. We understand, looking back at Diablo and Diablo II, the universe is very dark…There's a certain level of grit and realism we want to bring to the game but at the same time it's important to take the player into a fantasy realm…If we simply took photographs and applied that to a bunch of polygons, that's really not us doing our job."