State of Tribes 2022

ya the censorship is big and the midair community has lots of kiwifarms posters so no wonder theyre doxing but walking on egg shells

and fishstix supports these ppl
its just some comment from 2005 where he calls ppl "gaymos" lol but the server is so politically correct he deleted it
Adriot is the only name i recognize from that last list and he was so fucking terrible at base that I can't even put it into words. Any time he was on my team in pubs it didn't matter who else was it was an automatic loss. Guy had no fuckin idea what was going on or what actually needed to be done.
he actually neglects his kids to watch a ban button all day and instan ban anyone that has a dissenting opinion on his dead community it is truly sad

right now theyve put in phone verification for the midair discord

but their competitive community still has the same dead link here'

what the t1 discord has done is put the chat pu room on private where u need to be verified in a role to see it

so basically these guys were never about freespeech and are caught up trying to protect their communities from anyone that thinks different of them

= instant death
k im loling now because i have several burner accounts on the discord and theyre just banning anyone that joins instantly
got banned for saying lyon sucked at t1 when he claims to be the best hof ever

this guy is a liar and a greedy weasel
its more about the circlejerking communities that dont let people play the game like they were played for the last 20 years and instead expect some kind of community hierarchy with abusive admins in charge