Jeffros_challenge map missing pieces


Veteran XV
sometimes i'll run into a map that has some special effect that doesn't work because of a missing piece

Jeffros_challenge is one of those maps. It is using 4 mine variants that don't exist on normal tribes and zadmin tribes configurations.

MineData Concussion
MineData FireBomb
MineData Pgren
MineData MortarBomb

looking around I found Concussion, FireBomb, and MortarBomb defined and used in the renegades mod.

unfortunately I can't find Pgren's MineData anywhere.

does Pgren ring any bells for anyone? Which mod might it be from?
I should have known, HaVoC Tribes

ExplosionData puffQExp
   shapeName = "mortarex.dts";
   soundId   = shockExplosion;

   faceCamera = true;
   randomSpin = true;
   hasLight   = false;
   lightRange = 0;

   timeScale = 13.0;

   timeZero = 0.0;
   timeOne  = 0.500;

   colors[0]  = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
   colors[1]  = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.2 };
   colors[2]  = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
   radFactors = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
MineData Pgren { mass = 0.3; drag = 1.0; density = 2.0; elasticity = 0.15; friction = 1.0; className = "Handgrenade"; description = "Handgrenade"; shapeFile = "grenade"; shadowDetailMask = 4; explosionId = puffQExp; explosionRadius = 20; damageValue = 0.01; damageType = $SmallEnergyDamageType; kickBackStrength = 30; triggerRadius = 0.5; maxDamage = 2.0; 
	lightType = 2;   
	lightRadius = 6;
	lightTime = 0.16;
	lightColor = { 1, 1, 0};

function Pgren::onAdd(%this) { 
	schedule("Mine::Detonate(" @ %this @ ");",1.7,%this); 

function Pgren::onDestroyed(%this) {
	Aoe::deployShape(%this, 25, $SmallEnergyDamageType, 8);

function AOE::check(%pos, %radius, %type, %object) {
	GameBase::applyRadiusDamage(%type, %pos, %radius, 0.001, 2, %object);

function Aoe::deployShape(%object, %radius, %type, %dur) {
	if($TeamItemCountAOE[GameBase::getTeam(%object)] < $TeamItemMax[Aoe]) { 
		%camera = newObject("Camera","Turret",DeployableAoe,true);
		addToSet("MissionCleanup", %camera);


		%data = GameBase::getDataName(%camera);
		schedule("GameBase::setDamageLevel("@%camera@", 101);",%dur,%camera);
		schedule("$TeamItemCountAOE[" @ GameBase::getTeam(%object) @ "]--;",%dur-1,%camera);
		return %camera;
	return false;

Think that's all of it.
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isn't that bizarre. pgren is defined in havoc 1.5.9 but not in 1.7.0 so i missed it. thank you plasmatic!

in jeffros challenge there is a script set that looks like it is setting up a large fire pit with a big fire that is composed of a bunch of shell types exploding at certain locations over and over again. The pgren definition gives us a chance to put the original look/intent of the fire pit back in the air to see what it looks like.

unfortunately this is probably going to lag typical tribes client rendering which is probably why it was removed and lost.
Yeah, I was in the server earlier poking around, reminded me to look again!

Should be fine, we're not running early 2000's opengl anymore.
I should have known, HaVoC Tribes

ExplosionData puffQExp
   shapeName = "mortarex.dts";
   soundId   = shockExplosion;

   faceCamera = true;
   randomSpin = true;
   hasLight   = false;
   lightRange = 0;

   timeScale = 13.0;

   timeZero = 0.0;
   timeOne  = 0.500;

   colors[0]  = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
   colors[1]  = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.2 };
   colors[2]  = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
   radFactors = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
MineData Pgren { mass = 0.3; drag = 1.0; density = 2.0; elasticity = 0.15; friction = 1.0; className = "Handgrenade"; description = "Handgrenade"; shapeFile = "grenade"; shadowDetailMask = 4; explosionId = puffQExp; explosionRadius = 20; damageValue = 0.01; damageType = $SmallEnergyDamageType; kickBackStrength = 30; triggerRadius = 0.5; maxDamage = 2.0; 
	lightType = 2;   
	lightRadius = 6;
	lightTime = 0.16;
	lightColor = { 1, 1, 0};

function Pgren::onAdd(%this) { 
	schedule("Mine::Detonate(" @ %this @ ");",1.7,%this); 

function Pgren::onDestroyed(%this) {
	Aoe::deployShape(%this, 25, $SmallEnergyDamageType, 8);

function AOE::check(%pos, %radius, %type, %object) {
	GameBase::applyRadiusDamage(%type, %pos, %radius, 0.001, 2, %object);

function Aoe::deployShape(%object, %radius, %type, %dur) {
	if($TeamItemCountAOE[GameBase::getTeam(%object)] < $TeamItemMax[Aoe]) { 
		%camera = newObject("Camera","Turret",DeployableAoe,true);
		addToSet("MissionCleanup", %camera);


		%data = GameBase::getDataName(%camera);
		schedule("GameBase::setDamageLevel("@%camera@", 101);",%dur,%camera);
		schedule("$TeamItemCountAOE[" @ GameBase::getTeam(%object) @ "]--;",%dur-1,%camera);
		return %camera;
	return false;

Think that's all of it.

Gonnaadd this site to my subreddit nice post
it is mostly for ppl who watch tribes videos on tv and phone

avgs about 2k views a month with 50 uniques

stats are on the subreddit

but had a recent grow burst and now i think its gonna be closer to 3-4k view a month

nothing compared to tw but its a nice net positive