Ladies and Gentlemen....Ron DeSantis

Fixed for people who are not faggy, like you
severed im excited we're finally gonna get more Biden Crime Family info and how they're compromised from the CCP to Ukraine... and more importantly how the FEDs are in on it
Thats good because I was going to contact Vans friends at the FBI and tell them a right-wing white male removed the tag off the mattress he rapes nightly. Sure to get a sternly worded letter for that offense.
he'd be clever

avoid the acrimony of primaries, wait 4 donnie 2b impeached (maybe help twist the knife like [strike]brutus[/strike] pence), become president of the united states of america and 2 the republicans 4 wicker stans
the party would never allow it anyway b/c both r florida doods and they always do that "gotta pick a running mate from ~different region~ who has ~slightly different attitude~ to balance the ticket" unoriginal copypasta strategy

and ppl get paid millions in consulting fees 2 say "gotta balance the ticket"

that's why fan favorite and noted science of identity foundation cult guru chris protege tulsi gabbard is gonna be the running mate this time around
no chance DeSantis runs as VP, he'd be an idiot to do that.


Why would he be an idiot. It would practically cement his presidency in 2028 and make the difference between a maximum of 8 years of R leadership or a maximum of 12 years of R leadership
would he want to be vp instead of governor? vp is a shit useless job

the truth is, desantis loses to trump in every state but georgia and…maybe florida?

the gop is in a giant pickle. trump will beat any gop candidate. and trump will mobilize dem voters to oppose him. the only way out for trump to anoint a successor and step back. but that will never happen.