[Lord of the Rings] THE MESSAGE...

penis posts lotr woke thread

dockers unite to rebut


ppl claiming this show is super woke because they watched a ton of these videos: this is fine

ppl trying to figure out why those ppl are so upset by watching a small part of one video: i LaUgH ThAt yOu CaRe EnoUGh tO WatCh aNy oF tHoSe ViDeOs
ppl claiming this show is super woke because they watched a ton of these videos: this is fine

ppl trying to figure out why those ppl are so upset by watching a small part of one video: i LaUgH ThAt yOu CaRe EnoUGh tO WatCh aNy oF tHoSe ViDeOs

he's out of his safe space

he prefers I love lucy, the gumby tv show, gilligan's island, leave it to beaver, perry mason, three stooges etc

I'm sorry we didn't include you gramps, I'll try to make a safe space next time Joop

"Inspired by true events of Kingdom of Dahomey"

The Kingdom of Dahomey was an important regional power that had an organized domestic economy built on conquest and slave labor,[3] significant international trade and diplomatic relations with Europeans, a centralized administration, taxation systems, and an organized military...

... The growth of Dahomey coincided with the growth of the Atlantic slave trade, and it became known to Europeans as a major supplier of slaves.[2] As a highly militaristic kingdom constantly organized for warfare, it captured children, women, and men during wars and raids against neighboring societies, and sold them into the Atlantic slave trade in exchange for European goods such as rifles, gunpowder, fabrics, cowrie shells, tobacco, pipes, and alcohol.

Kingdom of Dahomey - Wikipedia

I wonder if they'll include that part in the movie...
ppl claiming this show is super woke because they watched a ton of these videos: this is fine

ppl trying to figure out why those ppl are so upset by watching a small part of one video: i LaUgH ThAt yOu CaRe EnoUGh tO WatCh aNy oF tHoSe ViDeOs

he's out of his safe space

he prefers I love lucy, the gumby tv show, gilligan's island, leave it to beaver, perry mason, three stooges etc

I'm sorry we didn't include you gramps, I'll try to make a safe space next time Joop

ppl claiming this show is super woke because they watched a ton of these videos: this is fine

ppl trying to figure out why those ppl are so upset by watching a small part of one video: i LaUgH ThAt yOu CaRe EnoUGh tO WatCh aNy oF tHoSe ViDeOs

why do you care so much? geezuz
Oh is that why he cares so much, because he's defending wokeism? Is that what you are saying, Kotz?
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why do you care so much? geezuz

strong wahman and diversity injection is the problem my dood.

if that doesn't bother you then good for you i guess. ignorance is bliss

why do you care so much? geezuz

if they made a tv show about jesus, but instead of a carpenter from nazereth on the tv show he was a train engineer from kentucky…would you at least give credit to someone raising their hand and saying “hey if you wanted to make a show about a train dude from kentucky, did you have to make him jesus”

until this show comes out, all we have is smoke. the fire is self evident. And people are going to continue to point to signs that this show is a disaster.

personally i cant wait

why do you care so much? geezuz

As Pagy pointed out.

There is enough smoke on the horizon to know that there is trouble on the homestead.

There are plenty of yellow and red flags flying based on what has already been presented to know this show is on a trajectory for disaster.

why do you care so much? geezuz

it doesnt need to be more than what it is. when literary works are adapted for screen, the fans get protective.

as a lotr nerd, lotr nerds were freaking the fuck out over peter jacksons movies. And he ended up doing a fairly faithful adaption.

this amazon show looks like they literally kept nothing of the work, and remade everything and stamped lotr on it. which is what i was saying its fine to create and film things whatever but if youre just going to create your own thing and stamp an adapted title on it, then people will be annoyed.

Also the boys took shots at everyone including woke progressives so id feel sprry for those that had a sandy vagg about it and failed to see their intended points

why do you care so much? geezuz

Typical whataboutism reply

We obviously know why they care.

I'm asking why do you care so much?