:rofl: i rest my case

if I may, an olive branch to both parties

Many Canadians and many Americans can afford to not give a fuck about miniscule sea level rise and the minutia of the effects of climate change, and its okay. Im with you. Don't give 2 fucks.

He lives here:


The numbers are elevation in meters below or above sea level.
Well historically we've been pretty good at keeping the sea water out. The question is if we will be able to keep doing it.
the best part about that map is, the sketchiest regions are also the most densely populated so GJ NETHERLANDS

But at least now you understand why you perceive them as fervent leftists praying at the altars of climate change or w/e
Our country has been ruled by a right wing / centrist government for like 20/30 years now. Not as leftist as you think. But yeah.. Comparable to the Democrat party I guess. Which looking at politics all over the world is still a right wing party. Just not by American standards.
Our country has been ruled by a right wing / centrist government for like 20/30 years now. Not as leftist as you think. But yeah.. Comparable to the Democrat party I guess. Which looking at politics all over the world is still a right wing party. Just not by American standards.

Right wing isn't an objective classification so it really is meaningless to almost everyone else in the world. How does your right wing compare to the right wing of Poland?

I know you acknowledged it, just reaffirm it myself.
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it was not a dream about nico or t.mcdonald though ofc. i think it may be safe to say that... i may have noticed a pattern where it takes a long time for me to warm up to people. i'm pretty sure that when i started a new job a long time ago, just listening to people talk in the background was aggravating. some people i began to like, and any aggravation i felt whent away. others i learned i would not necessarily like, and the aggravation whent away and i learned to tune them out. not yet sure if this machination would affect anything else, like people i meet in passing. i will have to try and see

edit - MAGA