[USA] The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Has Begun

The usual suspects must be really bummed he only killed white people

TW always comes through.

You're aware why he is trial, though right?
Most white supremacists are not, and 9/10 of TW people have no idea why he is on trial. Are you in the minority that understands why he is on trial?
TW always comes through.

You're aware why he is trial, though right?
Most white supremacists are not, and 9/10 of TW people have no idea why he is on trial. Are you in the minority that understands why he is on trial?

why are you such a fucking moron?
This is a hard one, as the opinions of TW people weigh hard on me.
I'm not sure how to answer such a question, such great source.
I think that most most of TW is aware of how in awe I am of their opinions on everything, so at this point, I'm going to say your white boy will be going back to jail, and remain in jail until he dies in his cell.
This is a hard one, as the opinions of TW people weigh hard on me.
I'm not sure how to answer such a question, such great source.
I think that most most of TW is aware of how in awe I am of their opinions on everything, so at this point, I'm going to say your white boy will be going back to jail, and remain in jail until he dies in his cell.

im quoting this for later.. I think they will make an example of him but he will walk from most of the charges people think he is going to jail for. I think this dude is looking at 1 year max.
I mean, they managed to find morons who convicted a cop of murder for kneeling on the back of a retarded nigger who actually died of an overdose...

Never forget how dumb people can be.

Validunce with a shit comparison. Chauvin got what he deserved.
Van is a classic case of projection. He's a fucking literal redneck. He's worse. He's got a long rap sheet, an alcoholic, and he's a woman beater. Most rednecks don't have these things.

He's basically the equivalent of the worst drugge-out white trash, only he's an reject indian who was raised by wealthy WHITE people, so he doesn't have the excuse of being a failure like most white trash do. At least they're born poor.

This silver-spoon dipshit was given all of the opportunities in the world. And with that, he became a drunk. :lol: This is why he hates "rednecks" so much, because he hates himself. He's just too weak and cowardly to kill himself or he wouldn't be here anymore.
Go from a dunce post, to this on money post.

Vanster, are you fighting with all the old white men on the internet again? You know that always leads to trouble. Why don't you go on the porch and wait for Mrs McGillicuddy to bring the mail? I'll go get you a nice cup of tea. There ya go.
leftists sure do project a lot

i've always stated that vanster is by far the biggest redneck here

he is what he hates most