Tom Macdonald dropped a new mixtape.

wtf her name is Nova Rockafeller it's in every video name cuz she fucking makes every video this shit shouldn't be hard for you to find jesus you lazy fuck.


damn with all the cuking uve been doing 4 this guys girlfriend i never expected her to be fat
You 2 need to take some time off from being fucking idiots. Straight up. BTW did someone forget to pay TW's light bill? The fuck is up with that shit.

Uh, I didn't get spammed anything. I just left the discord.

And idk wtf you're talking about too young she's almost 30 you're fuckin stupid.

Look- Sir Bonerpop -
Have you seen her ID? No. Just because she says she is 30 doesn't mean she is 30. Plus, these are Canadians we are talking about here.
Finally, here is her and Tom and their menage a trois love spat shit with Juggalo Violent J.

They say Tom might be a Canadian Cuck and that he is contributing to the delinquency of a Yolandi.
That's too bad because tom called into a radio show once to tell 'em that he plays minecraft and seven days to die on pc.
You could not make this back and forth up.

1000-years from now the Anthropologists will dig trough this gold mine and make conclusions on how our society behaved!
You are correct, and they will also say "why did that dipshit denver have to chime in and fuckin ruin it?"

Moron. Shut up when you're talking to me.
it's a smart strategy tho to use the most popular genre out there to cater to conservatives

can't knock the hustle
i don't give a shit about who it's catered to

he's just not that brilliant of a rapper

like bob just mentioned: dude is literally just rapping twitter talking points lol
And twitter talking points get nowhere. But millions of views does.

you're such a fuckin sheep

cater to conservatives you gotta be outta your mind you're a fucking more gay and more stupid than i already thought you were which i thought was impossible.