

I expected more sand. Like a house sitting on sand dunes with a slim Sri Lankan woman in a French maid outfit dusting the letterbox (to remove the sand).
That's sheikh chic

Also - "the sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep's sick" five times fast ready go...
Yeah when I said try harder....guess what dipshit, there's a large garden behind that villa. Next?

The gap to the villa on the left is at least 150 feet, on the right it's closer but that's a side wall with no windows and isn't overlooking the garden and the other thing you failed to notice is how dim you still are.

We've talked about this before midxe. There is a standard Foot we measure things with since 1959. You can't just use an arbitrary foot, or even your own to measure things. It may actually be 150 of your tiny feet, but the rest of the world doesn't use midget feet for measuring things. in sum you should standardize measurements and kill yourself.
We've talked about this before midxe. There is a standard Foot we measure things with since 1959. You can't just use an arbitrary foot, or even your own to measure things. It may actually be 150 of your tiny feet, but the rest of the world doesn't use midget feet for measuring things. in sum you should standardize measurements and kill yourself.

Thanks for coming to the thread and trying to be funny. The winner here is you. Because now you can see what a house looks like. See, no wheels...
Mitch let's meet up next time come pick me up in your lambo hehe
Kidding but for real I was 10min away from arabian ranch

Btw does anyone use dubai south airport? Hear they have flights but it's limited to smaller airlines

I expected more sand. Like a house sitting on sand dunes with a slim Sri Lankan woman in a French maid outfit dusting the letterbox (to remove the sand).

why would they concentrate on trying to make it seem like they aren't in a desert so much and then make the houses look like they are made out of sand?
Concrete is reddish when you're in a desert full of sandy assed arabs.

Also kill yourself midxe.
how many loudspeakers per street does it take to play the muslim prayers in your nice little gated community?

You wouldn't believe.

As a kid, when the mullah called for evening prayers, it was throughout Abu Dhabi. They even had loudspeakers close to the beach, for anyone that was there late.

I went to elementary school Saturday through Wednesday, and Thursday and (holy) Friday were off, because of UAE law at the time.

Was a different time then, and Arabs weren't bothered by Western Europeans or Americans, they just thought we were weird. That was before Israel instituted apartheid with American approval, and everything went to shit.

I don't know what the mullah call is like now.
The call to prayer is only from the mosques these days. 15 years ago they built one far too close to where we were living. So we moved. Arabian Ranches just has one central mosque in a community of well over 1000 villas so it's plenty far enough away.