Super Straight...

In fairness, the modern Left is indistinguishable from satire.

You haven't even bothered to refute the claims made in this thread, beyond screeching "SATIRE!", probably because you know there are freaks on the Left actually saying that shit and genuinely believing it.
There's this girl at my Starbucks who identifies as male and goes by a male name, but s/he's cute and I kinda like "them" but I'm confused. Like should we hang out and drink beers til we puke or go crush the P*ssy? S/he has hairy legs and that's kind of a turnoff but w/e.
im not sure about indistinguishable it took all of 5 seconds to figure out super straight was just maga trolling maga for reeee's
I personally cant wait for my “super straight cis white male” armband

"To my knowledge, gender dysphoria is the only such condition in which the officially sanctioned treatment is to encourage, in all cases, the distressing and anxiety-provoking thoughts inside one’s own head." ~ Internet