Trans rights!

wednesday = trans day

on today's episode of "one of these things is not like the other":

"is the same" and "is worth the same"
trans people are worth at least twice that value of normies

higher iq, more active sex lives, great taste

i wish i could grow up to be trans
I think Bob is getting trans and gay mixed up then. Or are you saying that all trans people are gay?

wtf is the difference

gays make more money, attain higher education, rate higher on overall happiness with life and satisfaction surveys

they've got it all
your egalitarianism is very humbling but let us be clear that when it comes to the science of it, gays are the master race. it is no wonder straight whites are so confused and angered by the world around them. they do not have the brain power to comprehend it, as it has been designed by gay jews.
