Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed


meme magic
NBC is taking it in the ass

NBC slammed for passing on Harvey Weinstein sex harassment exposé | Fox News

NBC News is under fire inside and outside of 30 Rock for passing on the story that has turned Hollywood on its head - movie producer Harvey Weinstein's decades of preying on women seeking to break into the movie business.

The Peacock's attempts to explain why former MSNBC host Ronan Farrow's expose on Weinstein never made it on the air, despite extensive, on-the-record interviews and a damning audiotape of Weinstein himself, have fallen flat as the story has exploded.

“Who at NBC News passed on this story?" asked Mediaite columnist and Managing Editor Colby Hall. "Why would they choose not to cover such an enormous and important story? And was there some sort of mandate from above?”

It's almost as if the whole left is imploding
The argument is that the numbers were sliding anyway...

and then they don't think things are going to change? These entities are just going to sit back and shrug off the loss?

I don't think so
It's not like Hollywood has ever been a meritocracy. If you don't put out there are hundreds who will. The only part of this story that surprises me is that people are surprised that a producer in a position to make fame desperate people famous.

Faux surprise. Faux outrage. Faux virtue signalling.
It's almost as if the whole left is imploding

Nah, the Clinton protection shield is shrinking from irrelevance and power transition. This kind of thing will go away when the new lefty power player steps up and gets the money organized.