at what point does ds9 get good

bowl of blood

i m tryin 2 watch this show bc everyone says it is so good but the first 10 episodes have been extreme cringe garbage, i cannot keep watching at this rate so where do i skip to that doesn't suck

character ratings so far:
sisko: terrible
dax: gay
bashir: gay
quark: once in a while funny but mostly gay
odo: boss
obrien: terrible & fairly gay
nose woman: gay
i feel yerr pain, been there done that. just have to trust n have faith. i gurantee u will learn to love those same "borring" eps 2nd or 3rd time around. all that is just character dev, which does go on a bit long. soon as shit starts hitting fan with dominion, it gets really cool really fast, n keeps getting better. stick with it.
like most trek shows, it takes a few seasons to get decent

once they abandon the 'soap opera on a space station' concept and switch to the dominion war it starts to shape up
I thought DS9 was a little tough to begin enjoying in S1, mainly b/c the characters are so different, there are quite a few more alien main characters, and it departs from the standard TNG format of "Enterprise shows up to solve problem [...] problem gets solved, Federation wins"

S1 is mainly an introduction of a lot of the characters and various shit going on near the station (Bajor, the Cardassians, etc).

S2 is a little better, longer storylines, more interesting characters.

S3 is where the series takes off. Wont' spoil anything, but after that point I'd say it's either my fav Star Trek series or tied w/ TNG. By season 8, you're rooting for almost all the characters; they did a great job of giving nearly everyone a compelling story.
ds9 is my favorite show of all time

like TNG, DS9 is horseshit in the early seasons. there is only 1 episode in season 1 that is good, and it's "duet". when i convert people i go pilot ep --> duet --> cardassians --> and then go to "the maquis" and watch every episode onwards. every person i've funneled through this path liked or loved the show to various degrees.

the widely accepted turning point for the show is in the season 3 two-parter improbable cause/the die is cast, but it's worth watching duet and parts of season 2 to really get full context.

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I thought DS9 was a little tough to begin enjoying in S1, mainly b/c the characters are so different, there are quite a few more alien main characters, and it departs from the standard TNG format of "Enterprise shows up to solve problem [...] problem gets solved, Federation wins"

S1 is mainly an introduction of a lot of the characters and various shit going on near the station (Bajor, the Cardassians, etc).

S2 is a little better, longer storylines, more interesting characters.

S3 is where the series takes off. Wont' spoil anything, but after that point I'd say it's either my fav Star Trek series or tied w/ TNG. By season 8, you're rooting for almost all the characters; they did a great job of giving nearly everyone a compelling story.

Well, the writing was kind of dogshit in the first season. It takes a while for it to find it's footing.

Especially Cisco's character. The guy's not a very good actor, and it really shows in the first season, it shows up later too, but again the series as a whole kind of finds it's way as you progress.

What the show does really, however, is that the characters are showed in a variety of situations. In some episodes you'll be rooting for a specific character, or even laughing about something silly that happened, and then you'll be faced with some awful aspect of them.

For me that's where the show really shined, the characters start to feel real because you can identify them as being flawed people, just like anyone else. I don't think there's a single character in the series that you won't find making a moral decision that feels morally wrong somehow.
DS9 is definitely a slow burn. Like Grungir said, once he shaves his head it starts picking up from there. The Dominion stuff is pretty cool. Lots of space battle shit. Garak is a bad ass mofo too.

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ds9 is my favorite show of all time

like TNG, DS9 is horseshit in the early seasons. there is only 1 episode in season 1 that is good, and it's "duet". when i convert people i go pilot ep --> duet --> cardassians --> and then go to "the maquis" and watch every episode onwards. every person i've funneled through this path liked or loved the show to various degrees.

the widely accepted turning point for the show is in the season 3 two-parter improbable cause/the die is cast, but it's worth watching duet and parts of season 2 to really get full context.


thx this is good advice and i will try this, i definitely cannot sit through 20-30 more episodes waiting for it to get good

interestingly b5 i thought was great from episode 1, no fucking around
i m tryin 2 watch this show bc everyone says it is so good but the first 10 episodes have been extreme cringe garbage, i cannot keep watching at this rate so where do i skip to that doesn't suck

character ratings so far:
sisko: terrible
dax: gay
bashir: gay
quark: once in a while funny but mostly gay
odo: boss
obrien: terrible & fairly gay
nose woman: gay

sisko: gets better but never greeat
dax: hawt
bashir: still gay
quark: fun interactions between him and odo
odo: kinda gets gay
obrien: must suffer
nose woman (kira?): still gay

garak: best trek character ever imo
jake sisko: hit skip 30 seconds every time he talks
keiko obrien: hit skip 30 seconds every time she talks and try not to add her to my murder list
morn: awesome norm reference, good episode where 'morn dies'
worf: gay but has a few good klingon episodes
dax 2: still hawt

fav eps:
pale moonlight
trials and tribble-lations (so awesome)
improbable cause/die is cast
once more unto the breach
sword of kahless
empok nor
civil defense
defiant (lolriker)
in purgatorys shadow
who mourns for morn

fuck there's a lot of good ones once u get deeper in