

Veteran XV
So. I cant see flags for shit on terrain with 1.40+

Is anyone else having this issue? 1.3 seemed fine maybe it's my shitty comp and g-card.

p.s. is everyone using a big flag now or what can i put that back in
I have the same problem, but it's mostly cuz my eyes aren't what they used to be so I use the T:A model. Zipped em for u in case u want

I unfortunately have this same issue. It'd be nice if we could make the flag glow brighter/change color or perhaps change the color of the flag staff itself, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have access to those items.
Ya i have same issue too. If i dont know exact position of the flag ill spend quite some time trying to find it because it blends with the terrain almost completely
in t2 there is a flag icon so u don't need to use rely on ur pathetic vision to spot flags

t2 once again proving to be the better game
Would be nice if someone with 3DS Max know how would just double the size of the stock flag. I'm kinda surprised nobody has done this yet.
Would be nice if someone with 3DS Max know how would just double the size of the stock flag. I'm kinda surprised nobody has done this yet.

just make perma iff flag serverside and for everyone. remember all those times you bring home a flag and need a pass and everyone leaves the base not realizing you were even there? ya well those are gone.

remember all those times you are holding the enemy flag at home and waiting for your team to return it when they can't find the enemy flag carrier? gone.
That's nice of u to give that much credit to players, but no, you'd still get left for dead. What you would need is a new player base that has awareness, but that ship has sailed.
I started using the Tribes Vengeance flags. But I wish someone could alter them so it shows the height limit of the actual stock flag on it. That way you're not flying through the flag and wondering why you didn't grab it. :p
since going to t2 fire has started calling t1 a broken game and advocating for happy mod in t1 basically

i havent played t2 in years im pretty sure. ive always wanted perma iff flag for everyone serverside its better for the game better to do away with one cheaters advantage and give it 2 everyone. more so better for a game with new players but you have so many retards in this game you might as well add it for them. u r the one advocating 4 cheaters
hey while we're dumbing down flag awareness lets dumb down skiing and aiming and

shit did we just think up T:A