[Official] :bandit: 2.0

Did about 11 miles today. Hit the Scott Trail and hiked about 5.5 miles to the meadow where it intersects the PCT. By then I was starting to posthole and I don't have any gaiters. So I ate lunch and headed back. My legs are killing me. Time to fix it with a doobie.


PS: If you go out in the snow, don't step next to a downed log. There's a gap under there, and when your foot breaks through the snow, the ramp of snow leading under will redirect all the force of your weight into slamming your leg into the side of the log. I had to lay there and wait a minute, seeing stars, to determine if I'd broken something. F@#K ME that hurt. Waiting for bruises to appear.

PPS: However, if I had broken my leg, I would have had plenty of help. I saw 7 people and 3 dogs out there. Apparently I'm not the only one who's a little crazy.

PPPS: I want some snowshoes.
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