Godzilla! Huge Earthquake in Japan

If you also want to get technical though, look at the house on the bottom left. The roof and the walls (most of them) seems to be extremely clean as well.


Water does strange things.
Here's some pictures from Katrina aftermath.


Uh oh .. Kyodo is reporting:

BREAKING NEWS: Fire breaks out again at 5:45 a.m. at Fukushima's No. 4 reactor: NHK

Also reporting flames rising (duh)
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they weren't thinking when they built the damn things in a tsunami zone. It was all downhill from there.
It makes you wonder what TEPCO is thinking and how they weren't more prepared for everything.

nuclear reactors are designed to 10^-9 probabilities or greater...as in, catastrophic failure is less than 1 in a billion per operating hour or whatever. That would include accounting for all sorts of fault trees stemming from potential failures resulting from earthquakes and tsunamis. Unfortunately, they obviously didnt foresee the amount of cascading failures that occurred from this quake and there probably isnt a ton they can do now beyond what they are doing (at least, i would hope).
nuclear reactors are designed to 10^-9 probabilities or greater...as in, catastrophic failure is less than 1 in a billion per operating hour or whatever. That would include accounting for all sorts of fault trees stemming from potential failures resulting from earthquakes and tsunamis. Unfortunately, they obviously didnt foresee the amount of cascading failures that occurred from this quake and there probably isnt a ton they can do now beyond what they are doing (at least, i would hope).

I'm sure more information will come out eventually. The Prime Minister was pissed off that he had to hear about the previous fire from TV and wasn't informed by TEPCO until hours later.

It just seems like they were unprepared for the failures because maybe they thought they would get on site power back up or something? If the power is down, wouldn't you know the other pools would eventually heat back up and prepare to put water on them?

And also, crap like this about the current fire:

"Officials at the plant say the new fire broke out because the initial blaze had not been extinguished, AP reports."
Fire's out. Went out on it's own in 30 minutes. Weird.

Apparently #6 reactor has a working generator that can adjust water levels in the #5 reactor as well so they aren't worried about those.
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