I BackTraced It!

I befriended her on Facebook.

So if an 11 year old mouthed off to you in public saying inflammatory things would you hit her? Would you call her a whore and threaten to rape her? Do you really think an 11 year old is emotionally mature enough to know that the consequences will never be the same?

Hey bongsmoker do you ever visit an actual news site or do you get your world view from digg, reddit, and 4chan? That's a rhetorical question obviously. I know you're a bit slow.
The poor thing is in a fragile emotional state right now. She needs a friend. I am more than happy to fill that void.
we just finished surgery and the anesthesiologist was waking her up. as soon as she regained consciousness she took a swing at me lol. she's like 95 lbs so i caught it and pinned her arms down until she chilled out :sunny:

thats interesting to me. was it because she was in pain or disoriented?
This poor girl has had hundreds of pizzas and strippers delivered to her door, been castigated on 4chan, and even vilified here.

Okay, she dun goofed. She brought it on herself.

But it's time to back off. She is a scared little girl who still plays with dolls and cries herself to sleep at night. She likes bananas and popsickles. She has learned her lesson. She will NOT be talking trash in the Internet ever again.

Poor thing's just misunderstood, that's all.