I love watching FOX News

i get all my news from tribalwar

so it's pretty heavily slanted and highly inaccurate which makes me look a little foolish when i try to make big boy talk
So tantric Rex, fox news dominates ratings yet they are not the mainstream media? I'm confused. And would you consider fox news to be "fair and balanced?"
Really the reason cable news is so shitty now a days is because of the 24 hour news cycle. There simly isn't enough worthy news to talk about for that long so there's just more repetitive focus on emotional stupid shit...this happens to strike a note with people so there is not reason for the stations to change their ways because of the huge amount of advertising revenue. Interestingly enough wasn't it CNN that started the first 24 hour new channel? But I do agree with the sentiment that Fox has perfected the no substance lots of emotion "news". I just don't understand why anyone watches any of the stations...it's just a total waste of time. (Though I guess if you're entertained by it, then maybe it serves like a one-way TW.)
I'm from Midland, TX(yes home of Dubya) and Fox News reminds me of all the Republican, big oil, Jesus-loving hypocrites back home. If you genuinely agree with their viewpoints you're a fucking idiot.

End of thread
CNN is fine with me, although equally as shitty.
:rofl: Retard.

p.s. Megyn Kelly, like all good-looking whores who fuck their way up the ladder is only on that show because of how they look, not their intellect. It's 99% scripted and the parts that aren't... well, you gotta realize that's the only "skill" these whores have, talking (besides fucking of course). Hopefully when they have to ad lib here and there, they can manage to do it without fucking up too bad.

p.p.s. Anyone that watches any of the MSM channels is a fucking retard sucker. Fox is just as shitty as the rest.

Also, I'm actually glad Fox exists. If it wasn't for Fox there wouldn't be ANY broadcast channel voicing the other side's arguments. That's not to say that I wouldn't prefer that none of them exist in the first place.
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MSNBC and CNN has commentary they just fucking suck at it. Just like they suck at radio but now they cry for fair time on the radio.

When you're a liberal and you suck cry about and hope someone will give you the ratings and air time.

Just like Ed Shultz calling for Socialism in radio. How sad.

Yea, except that's not what he said (not that I give a shit about him).
Jomo and Tantic

You all let us know when any of the other majors are caught as often as fox is with their pants down... mislabeling people, making shit up and splicing video from other events and reporting it as something different...

Remind me why Dan Rather got fired again?

ANYONE that claims that Fox is singular in deceptive reporting is a fucking moron (IE ICFire). To even think that they are the worst at it is also a joke. THEY ALL DO IT.

The real tragedy is that with all news outlets, if a particular piece of news doesn't support their particular political viewpoint it gets either ignored or marginalized. There was a time in this country where the news reporters attempted to just report the facts, leaving opinion, slant and analysis to the oped pages.

Worse now is the interview. Nowadays, much like polling questions, the art of the interview is simply asking the questions you want to ask that projects the pov you want to get across. It's not "hard hitting journalism" unless it's asking the tough questions to someone you dislike.

I tend to think that the news reporting changed after the Tet Offensive in 1968. Prior to Tet, newscasters (like Walter Chronkite) tended to simply report what they were told, especially by the whitehouse. Before Tet, the government was telling them the war was almost over, the VC beaten, and the US military was victorious. After Tet, even though it was a terrible military defeat to the North, western reporters were shocked to see such a large scale uprising, which was counter to what the white house was telling them all that time before.

And then My lai happened just a couple months later.

At that time in our country, most people were classically democratic (not todays liberal progressives) but had trust in our government. Both LBJ and Nixon completely destroyed that.

So, today we're left with a sharply divided country and it doesn't make things any better when our own government demonizes large segments of the population for political points. You would've thought that electing a black man into the white house would've helped heal some racial issues, but in fact it's only made things worse. For that alone, electing Barack Obama was probably the worst thing this country could've done. Now, race is a constant drumbeat, stirring hatred and distrust, dividing the country along cultural lines as well as class. Race is used as a club, beating down dissent and causing even more unrest.

And most of you on this forum fall for it. You just keep parrotting the same bullshit. I have never seen so many bigoted racist hypocritical people in my life.
:rofl: Retard.

p.s. Megyn Kelly, like all good-looking whores who fuck their way up the ladder is only on that show because of how they look, not their intellect. It's 99% scripted and the parts that aren't... well, you gotta realize that's the only "skill" these whores have, talking (besides fucking of course). Hopefully when they have to ad lib here and there, they can manage to do it without fucking up too bad.

Why do you say that? Look at her wiki page. She's more than qualified for a show than Keith Olbermann or Campbell Brown.
Remind me why Dan Rather got fired again?

ANYONE that claims that Fox is singular in deceptive reporting is a fucking moron (IE ICFire). To even think that they are the worst at it is also a joke. THEY ALL DO IT.

The real tragedy is that with all news outlets, if a particular piece of news doesn't support their particular political viewpoint it gets either ignored or marginalized. There was a time in this country where the news reporters attempted to just report the facts, leaving opinion, slant and analysis to the oped pages.

Worse now is the interview. Nowadays, much like polling questions, the art of the interview is simply asking the questions you want to ask that projects the pov you want to get across. It's not "hard hitting journalism" unless it's asking the tough questions to someone you dislike.

I tend to think that the news reporting changed after the Tet Offensive in 1968. Prior to Tet, newscasters (like Walter Chronkite) tended to simply report what they were told, especially by the whitehouse. Before Tet, the government was telling them the war was almost over, the VC beaten, and the US military was victorious. After Tet, even though it was a terrible military defeat to the North, western reporters were shocked to see such a large scale uprising, which was counter to what the white house was telling them all that time before.

And then My lai happened just a couple months later.

At that time in our country, most people were classically democratic (not todays liberal progressives) but had trust in our government. Both LBJ and Nixon completely destroyed that.

So, today we're left with a sharply divided country and it doesn't make things any better when our own government demonizes large segments of the population for political points. You would've thought that electing a black man into the white house would've helped heal some racial issues, but in fact it's only made things worse. For that alone, electing Barack Obama was probably the worst thing this country could've done. Now, race is a constant drumbeat, stirring hatred and distrust, dividing the country along cultural lines as well as class. Race is used as a club, beating down dissent and causing even more unrest.

And most of you on this forum fall for it. You just keep parrotting the same bullshit. I have never seen so many bigoted racist hypocritical people in my life.

Once you start reading Gandalf's posts in Walter Sobchak's voice they become much more entertaining.