Name something you've done that others probally have not

Went out for dinner with Anthony Hopkins and Martha Stewart, when they were in town for the Toronto Film Festival. There was just 4 of us at the table, not some event.
I pissed in a bottle and left it outside my teacher's hotel room on a field trip back in the day. I didnt know whose room it was though.
hooked up with girl in a room where 4 of my friends were all passed out... except i found out the next morning none of them were actually passed out, there were all awake and just chose to be really quit when they realized what was happening.
Dove into a swamp after a live alligator. Crawled under a house in eastern Kentucky after a loose baby cobra. Crawled under the same house for an adult false water cobra. Barehanded rattlesnakes,cobras,gators,crocs....Been stung by scorpions,bitten by spiders, smacked around by a gators tail a time or two.

I also met Glenn Danzig when i was 14 and he was a total dick to me. I have hung out and gotten drunk with the members from GWAR. I lost my virginity in a cave when I was 15.

I have licked my own semen from my exes period blood engorged vagina on more then one occasion. Fucked a girl over 300 lbs. Tried to fuck a girl over 300 lbs and told her either she was too big or the couch was too small.

I also once had a dog lick my ass while I was fucking a girl. The dog was shaved from the neck down.

I let one ex piss all over my chest and stomach. Later I returned the favor except she drank my piss like water from heaven.

My ex threw up projectile style in my mouth once while we were fucking. I swallowed it and continued. A friend of mine from high school ate my semen once by accident. I had jerked it into a bowl of warm oatmeal and he was hungry. Before I could say no he was eating the oatmeal and shit. (More to that story then that but oh well)

A bunch more sick shit and animal shit.

I was doing Gandalf impressions beneath the Golden Gate bridge (New Years 2005?) when I was stopped at gunpoint by about 10 military guarding the bridge.
I pissed in a bottle and left it outside my teacher's hotel room on a field trip back in the day. I didnt know whose room it was though.

One day in Jr. High I was hiding in the bushes outside the girls bathroom looking through the louvered windows. The bathroom was in the basement and outside was a concrete pit topped with a railing surrounded by bushes. You could gaze down upon 6 toilets and needed only patience.

After a few moments I noticed there was a dead baby pigeon loaded with maggots nearby. I scooped it up in a cup and showed it around to some of my friends. Then I had a grand idea. My next class was in the room directly above the bathrooms. This class was tought by the hated Miss Canopy. Miss Canobi was so named because she was so fat you could use one of her dresses as a circus tent. And often looked like one.

By walking upon the railing I could gain access to the classroom through the window.

So I snuck into the classroom and dumped the dead pigeon on her desk, dislodging a few maggots that began squirming around her desk and snuck back out the window.

When the lunch-over bell rang we all lined up in the hallway outside the classroom door and waited for Miss Canopy. She soon appeared with her usual two female teachers pets. She unlocked the door and they went inside...<pause>... Three simultaneous screams. Extremely loud screams. I swear to god they were in perfect harmony. Everybody else filed into the classroom and busted out laughing.

I earned some serious brownie points with my buds for that one. :D
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I was doing Gandalf impressions beneath the Golden Gate bridge (New Years 2005?) when I was stopped at gunpoint by about 10 military guarding the bridge.

Were you standing there, arms in the air with a stick shouting, "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!"?

I've pissed off the H of the Hollywood sign. Twice.

Now that's probably something nobody else has done. :bigthumb:

Edit: Bonus image

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only three things I can really think of that people on TW most likely have not, since I know for a fact most of these things have been done by other people outside of TW.

1) Smoked a blunt with Mac10 and WC from WestSide Connection outside of a Chico, CA night club (Ice-Cube was not present for the show and yes, for some god damn reason it was my weed we smoked.. wtf. I know they had to be holding some better shit then I had).

2) Met with, and watched Ladainian Tomlinson due his green screen filming for the PS2 football game GameDay (Prophet from Pissed off Ewoks might have been there too since he worked for RedZone during that same time frame I believe.)

3) Walking down the street with a buddy when a group of Mexicans pulled a Sawed off out side of the window, and the gun misfired causing very minor injuries to me and I am guessing a lot to the person who pulled the trigger. Yes I hung around with some very shady fucks when I was younger.
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