Lost Spam Art

Here is some mroe material for ya

Live in harmony with nature in Costa Rica

Say Goodbye to Scratched Furniture and Floors with PediPaws

Like Grass Seed On Steroids

Getting It Right: Mastering Prescription Drug Labeling

Light up your house, not your wallet
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Since the days when you first posted these, I've seen spam art done a few ways. Your's are the best. I bet that they bring a smile to everyone's face that sees them.

Super job!
Putting this stuff in a book would be kinda neat, but unless I tried to shop the idea round to a publisher, any book I create myself would be through one of the photo sites or Cafe Press, and the book would be really expensive.
So what's wrong with shopping it to a publisher besides the fact that you probably need someone to represent you in order to even get in the door?
New ones:

Tess is Back!


Your first step to getting a grant
