

Taxi if that really is you dude, you are 1 creepy lookin son of a gun (no offense, but that picture plays the creepy angle very well)
Ya now my point is proven. These wierdos and creeps only get enjoyment out of bragging to 20 year olds about how much money they make. Its pathetic you really do have to be insecure.
Thanks buddy.

You spend two weeks on the road, get by for three nights on four hours sleep a night, run WSBN for 12 hours a day, get your face broken by a wall lamp, get your pic taken in a dark hallway, then come back and pose for your GQ picture ;)
Thanks buddy.

You spend two weeks on the road, by for three nights on four hours sleep a night, run WSBN for 12 hours a day, get your face broken by a wall lamp, then come back and pose for your GQ picture ;)

run WSBN for 12 hours a day
run WSBN for 12 hours a day
run WSBN for 12 hours a day
run WSBN for 12 hours a day
run WSBN for 12 hours a day
run WSBN for 12 hours a day

point proven you are a loser carry on :cheers:
Thanks buddy.

You spend two weeks on the road, get by for three nights on four hours sleep a night, run WSBN for 12 hours a day, get your face broken by a wall lamp, get your pic taken in a dark hallway, then come back and pose for your GQ picture ;)

:lol: ok ok, point taken, i cant say i would look much better haha
Fixed, yo

You're an idiot I never changed my name everyone knows who I am. This nick was regged before I used isuk. Many people have different in game names then forum names too what the hell is your point.

You are really grasping for something and coming up empty. :lol: Nice try
Except for the part where you're retarded enough to make people actually believe you were raised next to a chemical spill, and the part where your nick was "isukattribes", and the only reason anyone knows who you are is because you ramble incoherently on a forum and generally suck, yes, you are absolutely right.
jesus we need a section for bitches with no lives to post in so i dont have to see shitty threads bumped
Negative 10?

Are you goofy or something

The smoke in the pic MAKES the pic

Cherry on the sundae, icing on the cake, etc.