[Official] The Green Room

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People go away for residue which is less than crumbs.

Do you have any evidence to back up your claims that folks have went to jail for mushroom crumbs and/or residue ?

Or better yet, do you have any evidence that shows folks going to jail for active mushrooms growing in their yard ?

I've wondered who should be liable for this. In the Pac NW, the utility companies cut down trees, and then spread the wood chips in people's yards.

In 1 of every 4 loads, the species P. cyanescens will fruit. This is one of the strongest (possibly second strongest) active mushrooms known, and it is the one that Andrew Weil made famous through his research.

Who should be liable for the illegal mushrooms growing in your yard ?

The original owner of the tree ?

The utility company for shredding the tree into wood chips ?

The person who allowed the wood chips to be spread on their lawn ?

The state for allowing the mushroom spores to go into the air, and travel from yard to yard, allowing these illegal mushrooms to grow pretty much everywhere in the Pac NW ?

What if you raked your wood chips, and put them in a bag, and took them to the dump with the rest of your yard debris ? Would that be transporting mushrooms ?

And for the east coasters, should the farmers be held liable for allowing their cows to shit in pastures ? This is one of the best places that P. cubensis likes to fruit. Should the cow be liable, or the farmer ? Pretty sure even a crumb or residue on a cow patty is illegal lol.

You would have to be very, very retarded to believe in, or even half-way support a cause of making active mushrooms illegal. One would have to have great hope that any educated jury in this country would also agree, and that we also still honor the 7th amendment.

If you have a problem with the children (omg the children), then you should focus on your own children. If you decide to have them, say "Hey, don't do mushrooms", and since you'll be such an effective parent, they'll probably listen to you. The only catch is if they decide to do them anyways, you can't alleviate your guilty conscience by blaming the government. You'd have to then accept responsibility for your shitty parenting.

Imagine a world like that, where folks accepted responsibility for their actions, rather than blaming them on inanimate objects.

Do you have any idea how important mushrooms are, or more accurately, mycelium ? Specifically, P. cyanescens and P. azurescens ?
Man, thats a lot of text. No fucking way I'm gonna read that.

Simo: Please learn when to use here and when to use hear.
oops i didnt realize juggs and assfrags were trolling the thread


assfrags seems to alternate between trolling and joining.

assfrags 43
Zear 17
zorro 16
Vintage 13
FuFu 13
claudius 10
28K Modem 9

blah, blah...

Do you have something that generates this list for you or do you count them up by hand?

Also, this is pretty representative of the traffic in these threads. Cool.
assfrags what is funny about you being an asshole based on your mistake

and zear if you click the number on the front page it will show it
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