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  1. T

    Radiohead "Hail To the Thief"

    So far the few people that have heard it have said its amazing, supposed to be a very healthy mix of The Bends, Ok Computer, Kid A, and Amnesiac. I wuold give my right testicle to hear it right now, I reccomend that anyone interested download some of the live bootlegs from Spain and Portugal...
  2. T

    Help: Problem with Hotmail

    Ok you computer literati's, heres the run down: Yesterday my brother was on my name and a chick (ugly fucking at that) wanted to send my bro a pic through MSN. he didnt catch the ".exe" at the end of it so he dloads it. Now for some reason i couldnt log into MSN for the rest of the time and...
  3. T

    What are the best songs to listen to stoned

    favorite songs to listen to stoned: allen ginsberg - america godspeed you black emperor! - static white stripes - we're going to be friends