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  1. K

    Vote rigging is the best!

    It was worth a shot.
  2. K

    PePpEr is borked :(:(:(:(

    Busy family man.
  3. K

    I need YOUR help (Speed Test) + NWS Vid for your troubles..

    Moring 'gents. Studio31 is stress testing a new possible server and could use your help. Please download the following test file and report back your speed. Also, what sort of internet connect you are on. 20meg test file NWS NWS NWS NWS NWS NWS And for your troubles, feel free to enjoy...
  4. K

    A Studio31 New Year (NWS)

    Enjoy you fuckers.... NWS Happy New Year!
  5. K

    Studio31 Presents! Aria Giovanni

    NWS Merry Christmas to all and to all a spank filled night NWS obvously.
  6. K

    Happy Holidays...

    For those of you that care. Enjoy this OFN (I'm sure) MP3. Enjoy the holiday season! MP3 Out...
  7. K

    Mirc help?

    Does anyone know if there is a command or something I can put into mirc that will pm multiple people without selecting both of their names individually? Example: I want to send a link to Joe and Bob, is there like a remote command that I can put in or something? Or an alias? Thanks a ton!
  8. K

    CSS Help?

    I've got everything working great except for one thing. What I need is whenever in the html it sees the copyright symbol, it will switch over to the copyright info in the css file. I'm not sure how to define it. Example, right now the copyright info looks like this in the CSS. copyright {...
  9. K

    Problems with Web Grapics?

    Anyone know what might be causing this? (screen show shown below) It doesn't happen all the time and if I hit refresh, the images are fine. Happens on other sites as well. This has happend on my previous version of XP, another install of 2000 and then this copy. Here is the system info, since...
  10. K

    I wanna be a winner
