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  1. D

    Tribes likes/dislikes debate spinoff

    The guy that made the "Tribes likes/dislikes" thread asked us not to argue opinions on that thread, so I'm going to try (and fail) to redirect some traffic here to keep arguments off that thread. 1. Taunts- poor sportsmanship, or just plain fun? 2. Backcaps- annoying tactic, or brilliant...
  2. D

    Foolishness and game design

    Alright, I keep seeing this same thread over and over: "Tribes is dead! OMG, the next 4-5 years there will not be a good Tribes game! We should make a new game with skiing, jetpacks, and all of the exact same gameplay mechanics, but a new name!" Seriously...what good will it do you? 1. New...
  3. D

    Well I could have told you that...

    Is it really necessary for anti-T:V crowd to come here day after day and make new threads saying nothing but, "roffle, I say tha supid tV fail month ago!" (I'm too lazy to misspell that to accurate levels.) Seriously. I LIKE T:V, and I could have told you before it came out that the game was...
  4. D

    I think we should have a rule...

    that anyone ranting and raving about how player counts make better games should be required to include the words, "CS is the best game ever made" in their posts. Seriously. T:V is a commercial failure. OK, you're right. I get it. T:V sucks? Matter of opinion 100%, since people who play...
  5. D

    Isn't the T:V master down TOO?

    I keep seeing threads about "OH noes! The T1 and T2 masters are down to try and make us play T:V!" Just thought I'd point out, T:V's doesn't seem to be up either. So it's probably not a conspiracy.
  6. D

    Are there any mods/mutators in the works?

    I keep hearing people talking about "T:V ++", "Renegades", and "the comp mod", but I'm having trouble finding info on any of the three, except that the first and last are little more than rebalances of the normal game. Is anyone working on (key words there) mutators for stuff like AI bots/turrets?
  7. D

    OK T2 fans, explain it to me.

    You guys all keep ranting about how T2's "depth" is what made it such a great game, and how T:V's "dumbed down" focus on action is what sucks about it. So real quick, I want one little thing explained to me, just out of curiosity. Why did Unreal Tournament outsell Tribes 2?
  8. D

    Do ANY servers use user-made maps?

    I've seen like 2 running The Gap, so I might download that at some point (the concept still seems goofey to me, but if people are playing it *shrug*), but do ANY servers run ANY other user-made maps? Anyone know?
  9. D

    Is the buckler worthwhile?

    I seriously question this thing. On rare occasions the buckler seems almost god-like in it's ability to reflect mortar and turret fire away from on usually fruitless capping attempts, but most of the time it seems pretty useless as people disk my feet and/or I get confused trying to escape a...