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  1. G

    So who wants to buy it now (eBay) (NSFW)

    eBay Seller: randi0121: Clothing, Shoes Accessories items on
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    When does getting hit by a storm = $$$$?

    For those of you that don't know me, I live in Baton Rouge. Anyway, to the story.... So, I'm standing in line waiting to get in a local grocery store. Like most here in my neck of the woods, I've lost a good bit, but we are making it just fine. I've got to replace a roof, a chimney, a window...
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    Does IRC work anymore?...

    Been gone for a long time and felt like logging in... or has it changed? For some reason, I cant connect.
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    Video of New Orleans police looting Walmart...
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    Police: Miss. Man Kills Sister Over Bag Of Ice
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    I am in Baton Rouge...

    This shit is TOTALLY fucking out of hand. We are talking about fucking (guess who) from New Orleans who have no respect for life. These people are NOT human. I understand that everything they had is lost. I understand that its hot, I understand that they barely have enough food. But God...
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    Anyone else not able to upload or download?
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    Visual Basic 7.1 Programming question

    What is the line of code to search a textbox for a period?
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    this is OFN.....check this out... and listen...this guy is trying to be a dj, but you cant hear his songs and wait til he talks :closet:
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    Let me see that thong?!?!? let me see ^THAT thong?! Is Work Safe, BTW
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    Get this chick on AIM!! she thinks shes sexy, her AIM name is xojamiexo2006. Join me in telling her that she is fat and nasty. Also dont forget to warn her when she talks back to you!
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    My Fat Obnoxious Fiance Host

    IS FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hitit2: :sex:
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    The Bachelor Replacement (Pics!)

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    Beers and Boobs (link)

    This is a fun game, I cant get the chicks nude though :( HELP!
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    Best Games for Playstation 2?

    List please
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    Physics HELP please!!

    A projectile of mass 1.400 kg is shot straight up with an initial speed of 12.0 m/s. a) How high would it go if there were no air friction? b) If the projectile rises to a maximum height of only 6.5 m, determine the magnitude of the average force due to air resistance. I cannot figure these...
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    Calculus 2 Help please!

    determine whether the series converges or diverges: sum from n=1 to infinity of 4 raised to the n power *n!*n! divided by (2n)! tried the ratio test, but equals please :cry:
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    College Football!!!!!!!

    Two flies are in your house. How do you know which one is the LSU fly and which one is the Ole Piss fly? The LSU fly is in the sugar bowl while the Ole Piss fly in the toilet bowl!!!! :closet:
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    This is FUNNY AS HELL (video) in case u dont watch college football, shaud williams is alabamas running back. if u like college football u will appreciate this! :rofl:
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    I need a pic of fedz....i know someone has a pic of that faggot from one of the UVAs....please post