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    fucking dust or could be those onions

    1BZmuz88KEY&feature=related Stupid video making me appreciate my family.
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    Requesting VPN info!

    Howdy folks, I'm looking to setup a VPN to home from work. I'd like something that can be two factor auth. Something maybe that my phone can sync with? I have an android phone, do anyone know anything that does this off the top of their head? Thanks!
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    [Eggs rock] Farm Fresh eggs vidoe[Might gross you out. Or make you hungry]

    brackets Hey brackets Article. FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists Video Enjoy!
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    [DubStep] Crazy good capella dubstep song.

    I really enjoy the beat and the non-synthetic sounds of it all. It's really good. JL5U1iWeP3w
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    [NWS][Surprise Porn] Watch the first minute.

    MOTHERLESS.COM - Go Ahead She Isn't Looking! : A7F03E5 Tell me what you think after watching the first minute.
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    [Special Needs] Bus singer. Real life Peter Griffin

    1gvMwCEdhCs Amazing. The guys really upbeat and happy. I like him.
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    [Hummus] Chipotle Sabra Hummus

    Sabra | Products | Chipotle Hummus Yum! This stuff is fantastic. Give me a box of wheat thins and this stuff, i'll eat it all in under a hour. What other kinds of hummus does everyone like? I'm somewhat new to hummus and i'm really looking for some spicy stuff like this. Thanks!
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    [Robyn - Bad relationship songs] I like it.

    There something about her that i like. I don't think shes pretty, but i have a feeling if you had to record me dancing, it would end up just like her. She has some interesting lyrics and i enjoy something about her voice. I have odd taste, so i don't think very many people will agree when i say...
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    Fraggle is a super star.

    I Used To Be Fat | Ep. 5 | Jordan | MTV We feel for you man! Get ripped!
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    [Music] Tracy Chapman

    Fantastic artist. How lame am i for not appreciating this artist earlier? tM_60WR-p8M FodfkqfJrhQ g4bBff9aBRw Fn01zVMX6Q0 kjRo_CHSdt0
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    Growth on my calf, first doctor in 15 years.

    Do we think its cancerous? It might be!
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    ipv6 info on youtube

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    [HowTo]Only rational response to religious threads

    How to end religious threads I purpose that the only proper response to anyone claiming that a god exists is that we ask for evidence. One word. They will know what it means. Quote them once, put “Evidence” in the quote and leave it be. Until they can provide extraordinary evidence, they...
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    god, registerdns, how does it work?

    Howdy TW, You are my only technical friends, and i have a technical question. I'm having a DNS issue, or it looks like a DNS issue. If you just type ipconfig /registerdns, it will reregister the dns for the interfaces and re-do the leases. Now on Microsofts site it says you can do ipconfig...
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    [img] make fun of this person

    Don't let me down!
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    [Douchebagery]I'd try save your burning house

    I would try to save your house, not blame you for being a fee and i would do it gladly.
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    boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da

    at_f98qOGY0 Feel the love folks!
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    30 mil exp

    I just hit 30,000,000 experience points, can i join freee now?
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    This bottle of hennessy says...

    I love you guys! not really, but you are all a great way to spend a night. Thanks, love, me.
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    [Request]Fat slob, doggy style, can of beans/winnies

    Could someone hook me up with this picture? I googled it, to no avail! Thanks! :boogie: