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  1. R

    [HALP!] Need hobo battle advice

    Hobos have been nesting underneath my deck when it rains, since I live in Oregon it's been happening a lot. Normally they're cool, but lately they've been forming large groups that start drinking around 9AM which quickly descend into horrid renditions of Ramones' songs and screamed threats at...
  2. R

    Fallout2 Online - TW shall claim the wastes

    So those crazy Russians and their love of man made disaster has led to a fallout MMO. They just went live with a beta about a week ago and all you need to participate is the critter.dat and master.dat files from Fallout 2. You don't even need to install anything...
  3. R

    [Pics] Proper pool table removal

    Was this a good idea or a bad idea? I'm thinking it was genius
  4. R

    There's a hobo smoking benadryl in my kitchen

    He says he's going to leave today, but I don't believe him. Help me TW. How do I remove both hobo and stink?
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    Computer Died :(

    My laptop's hard drive finally shat itself after I smacked it a few too many times fixing my graphics card. I've got about $700 for a new desktop I want to build, what's worth buying these days?
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    Average attention span

    About three words
  7. R

    Anyone owned a hedgehog?

    I've been thinking about getting one since they sound like the perfect pet. Supposedly they're smart, sociable, and docile with the added bonus that they don't smell, can be litter box trained, and seem to have very low costs with housing, vets, and diet.
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    Heterosexual men should not fear being penetrated

    According to Playboy. Agree/disagree?
  9. R

    Which country has the best women?

    I need to pick which country to study abroad in and since it's pretty much all the same to me I'm basing my decision on the local women. Opinions, flames, STD ridden personal experiences all welcome.
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    Surfing Ivan Thassa huge wave
  11. R

    Verizon Phones

    I've got some cash to burn and decided that a phone with an obscene amount of pointless tech in it was what I wanted to buy. I've been looking mainly at the LG VX7000 The Motorola V710 And the Samsung SCH-A670 I'm leaning towards the VX7000 so my questions are really what good bluetooth...
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    Silent Hill 4 rules

    Can be found in the usual places. Rip of the supposedly complete US release. Much better than 3 so far. It has captivated me more in the first hour than 3 did in several hours.
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    [Halo 2]Details from bungie via bees

    You can download the vid here
  14. R

    They stole my megahurtz!!!!

    I ordered me a Athlon 2200+ (1.8ghz) put it in my comptroller and god damn it thinks it's a 1500+ and it's only running at 1.3ghz. Anyone have an idea wtf is going on here? This is one of my first system builds and as soon as I figure this out it'll work perfectly.
  15. R

    Wtf can you do with a weather balloon?

    Somehow I managed to get a weather balloon and I just know there's gotta be something I can do with it? I'll take pics if I get somethin good.