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  1. E

    [REALS TW EXPERTS ONLY] Walkout Basements

    So tomorrow I'm probably buying a house. The house I'm eyeing has a walkout basement. I believe there is one egress window on the north side and one on the south side. The door is standard, not sliding glass. I wouldn't buy the house if I didn't think I could finish the walkout basement to...
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    Military? Don't drink the water.

    To oversimplify, Halliburton was taking the sewage, adding chlorine and delivering it as drinking water. I assume they removed the chunks. It's cool though. They probably wear flag pins on their lapels. AP
  3. E

    [Uh Oh} Spitzer Involved in Prostitution Ring

    Oops Who will get the job if Spitzer resigns? The IMPORTANT question here is this: How does it affect Hillary?!
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    Decent J2EE/Tomcast Webhost?

    I needs. Edit: yes, I typo'd Tomcat
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    Looks like Obama WON Texas

    Burnt Orange Report has recieved a release from the Obama camp that projects they will win as much as a net of 7 delegates from Texas after the caucus is calculated. This is not Nevada where it's just a skew of how the numbers fell in the districts. Texas is a hybrid system. Two-thirds of...
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    Manual Trinity Patch is Available

    Get it while the gettin's good. Forums are now back up Update: Game is up, auto patch is up.
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    Rifter Tackling Loadout

    This look about right?
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    Newby Op Night

    So now that some of us have gotten our tacklers in order, what say you more experience gents take us out for a training mission or two?
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    Anyone having Branzone issues this morning?

    My sites have been inaccesible all morning and their support links off their site just time out.
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    [Old TV Show] The guy that sketched futuristic cities

    Anyone remember the name of this show?
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    [TW Lawyers] Need a carpooling consent & liability release form

    We're driving a neighbor's kid to school every Monday. Help a brother out.
  12. E

    Yet another PvP Priest thread

    Okay, so I've been PvE for a long time now. Never hardcore. I've decided to give up raiding altogether and try my hand at PvP. I've rarely participated in PvP, so clearly there is a learning curve. Here is my character currently. I suppose this is my current PvP set, though as you can see...
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    [Politics] Remember the Nuclear option?

  14. E

    Tribal Warriors on Shattered Halls

    The Plan: We all level at whatever pace we can to a BG bracket limit (29, 39, etc). Once ready, we'll bump the cap to the next tier and level up again. This allows us to pvp together while the slower guys finish their leveling. Server: Shattered Halls, Horde [Realm Forum] Battlegroup...
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    A TribalWar Guild on Shattered Halls

    Because of my poorly titled thread, some of the light readers of this forum may not know that a bunch of tdubbers have gotten together on Shattered Halls to make an attempt at WoWing together. You can learn more about it here. If the idea interests you, feel free to roll it up. The level cap...
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    SH Status

    TribalWar Guild on Shattered Halls Reposted here to bypass the 20 image limit.
  17. E

    [OFN?] The Redistricting Game

    Just saw this on SlashDot. It's actually rather fun.
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    Who all plays Dunemaul Horde?

    Inquiring minds want to know.
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    [LAN Center] Where in Jacksonville?

    Going to be there for a few days for work. I get bored travelling and my work laptop blows for gaming. So, where's a place in Jax that I can nerd it up into the wee hours of the morning?