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  1. S

    new developments....

    though it matters little, i am a veteran now. it will require switching over to another account i had created previously (this account being one used because of an email conflict). after a little bit of community response, i will drop the cloak of deception.
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    fake death

    i see that that boot camp server has fake dead integrated.. what other servers out htere have it installed? more than likely none of the servers that run LT maps, cause those are comp servers usually.. any mods i can look for that have it built in? renegades or anything like that?
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    zadmin client stuff

    i had heard that zadmin reports mas now? or i was misonceived? if so, where can i get the client side of zadmin?
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    help me debug please

    why the hell wont this work? schedule("test(" @ %client @ ", " @ %var1 @ ", " @ %var2 @ ");", 0);
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    serious question about male skin vs female skin

    okay, was on arena today, and some newbie claimed that female skin was lighter than male. from previous experiences, stupid newbies think this is actually true. then some dumbasses started saying "lets go to another server and find out" etc. im like, just look at the code! PlayerData lfemale...
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    T! useful script, maybe?

    this isnt anything elaborate, its just super useful. you dont always realize when someone votes! this is a nice little tool, i think! function grabBanner(%manager, %msg, %timeout) { if(%msg != "") echo("BANNER MSG: " @ %msg); else echo("BANNER MSG: NULL - CLIENT INITIATED")...
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    another T1 question!

    i would have posted this into my other thread, but its a whole different question! anyway, is it possible for the client to find out if theyre in a vehicle or not? like doing getmounted item or something? obviously im asking if it can be grabbed based on scripting, and obviously not on sight or...
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    T1 question about inventory stations and the client

    supposedly theres some functions that will get the text from an inventory station and you can use that to trigger events, etc. what functions are these, and when are they triggered? also, i was wondering if its possible to get the text from bottom/center/top prints client side? for instance, i...
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    t1 - rpg

    even the most predominant servers dont have working/valid links. can anyone help a n00b out?
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    question about date/time in tribes

    disclaimer: please, if you must flame. send me an IM. please. when you do $console::logmode=1; and it begins its write, the section of log is preceded by -------------------------- 9/6/2003 -- 17:17:33 ----- or whatever date it is. what variables or functions can i use to get the current...
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    [T1] changing port 28001

    i want to run two servers off of one connection. where do you go to change the port they run out of?
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    [t1] Useful Flooding Script!!!!!

    this is NOT fully tested, but it works nicely! i hate flooding out! so i made a script that uses BASE flooding variable to prevent flooding! you still adhere to normal flooding standards, but you will (HOPEFULLY) never flood out on a base server!!!! sometimes what you say may not be said tho...
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    [T1] question about female models vs male models

    is it possible to change the lfemale model to look like the male model? possibly without redoing the models? why you ask? because me and you both know (not arguing this) that 99.98% of people who play tribes are guys. too many dorks decide they have to be the female model for LORD knows what...
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    a server of mine being "nuked"

    what do i do to prevent people from using the "tab" characters or whatever they do that makes it do that whitespace and crash the server from being able to do that? i know it doesnt work on servers like TAC and so on.
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    T1 - options menu: disabling voices

    when you disable voices, what happens? that is, i know it makes it so you hear disks and explosions - all sounds but voices... what scripting disables all but voices? not how do you disable voices, this i know, im wondering what scripting is run when you click that x that disables all voices.
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    chaingun difference between tribes 1 and 2?

    i hear often that the chaingun is not as effective in T2 as it is in T1. that being an overstatement because i personally think the T1 chain is overpowered (and when used by someone who knows that T1 chain + low ping = no need for skill + easy kill) how is the T2 gun different than T1? does it...
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    [T1] Player Shadows

    theres some command to enable this... can anyone enlighten me as to which it is?
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    T1 - sounds of running and etc

    where is this implemented? i want to have guys when they hit the ground (only if they are dead) to make sounds like an oof or a hit sound thats audible to people next to the body. where in the scripts would i find where this sound is manipulated?
  19. S

    images in tribes

    in tribes, like when you look at the stats on duel mod, there is a large skull next to the person with the most wins.. and in any CTF match, when you open your objectives screen, theres the "capture the flag" banner at the top there. is there a website or a way to find out EVERY one of these...