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  1. R

    [Vote Rigging] 'Hot Momma' Contest

    2014 Hot Momma Photo Contest Starts Now Vote for Avery [please]. Winner takes home tickets to a Blues and Brews festival, some women's only Indulge event, and some massage gift certificate.
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    Top 3 Best/Worst Posters

    because I'm bored and right now people are discussing no arms vs. blind and Goshin is making threads... Who do you consider the best and worst [currently active] posters? Favorite: 1. Ares 2. HelenKeller 3. Apathy Honorable mention: valcom Worst: 1. Zopharoth 2. Togowack (was a close battle...
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    fixed ReZurrection and BrakeForce map packs for 1.4

    Looking for them. Thanks. [RELEASE] OPEN CALL 3 MAP PACK by Swordfish - TribalWar Forums
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    Drop all ammo bind

    Using Grooves Basic 1.40. Need the line of code for a bind to drop all ammo on all weapons in my current loadout. (But not drop the weapons themselves, beacons, mines, or repair kit) The bind in that config "Drop Items Not in Current Loadout" is below and is not what I want because it drops...
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    [Official] Youtube Movie Thread

    [Easy reference to a list of hopefully not shit movies] Just for posting movie links on Youtube to counteract boredom. Thanks in advance. (Thanks ZooL) LpnNZ6B2Ols
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    [Tribes 1] Favorite Pub Moments/People

    I don't recall this thread ever being done before. What are your favorite moments/memories while pubbing? Who did you enjoy and hate pubbing with? I didn't know him at all but I enjoyed playing in pubs with Cringe. Anytime he capped it seemed like the whole server delighted in trying to kill...
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    [Owned] Tribes player Xerious stole $1,000+ from Eyecu on Pokerstars

    So xerious created an account on bodog using a fake bank account and bodog never verified it. (because bodog doesn't verify shit, but pokerstars does) He then went to lukie the poker dealer... in tribes IRC and asked if someone would transfer $1,000 from bodog to pokerstars for him and they give...
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    [IE] website theme song?

    Thought I had gotten enough info I needed to find it but no such luck yet. The old [IE] site (the one TW hosted) had a theme song that was somewhat electronica, kind of neat. Anyways I heard it on a car commerical a few days ago and have been trying to find it now. As Aerobahn said, it was...
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    thunder and dogs

  10. R

    thank teh heavens
