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  1. S

    Travel - this time in a vertical direction

    If you've played T2, you probably know the movie "Travel". Here is another travel, this time in a vertical direction. And real. guLjrG78fl8
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    "Second" - maybe next time

    I've just found a few screenshots from my unfinished sequel of "Travel". The movie - "Second" - was totally screenplay-based, with a lot of advanced visual effects and huge (HUGE) number of "actors": fighters, shrikes, bombers. I did a lot of work at screenplay, textures, maps and technical...
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    Construction mod for T2 - where?

    From where can I download the latest version of Construction Mod for T2? Can't find it anywhere on the net. Please help... Thanks.
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    Welcome, Mr. T. Sunami! OMG...
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    [PIC] Oh, my god...
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    Now we are free

    I made a short movie you can use to advertise T2 as a game for free. File is 49 MB. SPECIAL THANKS FOR EUROPEAN CLAN ZORN (I forget about them in credits, lame yavor...) (thx [BDX]4ddh)...
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    New T:V screenshot!
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    Marweas, may I ask you about your foot?

    In Polish "foot" = "stopa", "signature" = "podpis" or "stopka" (a diminutive of "stopa"). Your previous signature suggests, that you are a man who believe in esport (so do I... :-) ). Please look here: There is a great possibility to make T2 (and T1...
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    Please do something for T2... There is no "Best T2 Movie" category... But it is possible to make it. What we need is to show that we exist... Now... Please write a few comments there...
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    [T2] Available objects

    Is it possible to check what objects are available at the moment? I mean what objects are initialized? How to do that?
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    [T2] How to save camera position?

    Please forgive me next lame question ("how to..", "is it possible" etc...), but is it possible to save and restore camera position and orientation in T2? I would like to put camera in one place, then press a key to jump into another place, then press a key to come back in the same position and...
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    How to delay?

    I need to delay part of the function, it should be executed after 0.3 or 0.5 s. I'm sure that it is very easy to do, probably with something like wait(300);, but I can find the proper function (I need timer, not a loop..). Plz help...
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    [T2 Request] Camera movement - please help...

    Camera movement in all FPS games is very simple. It is a serious obstacle during movie production. Shots are simple and not smooth enough. I thought a lot how to do better shots and I have an idea. Unfortunately I'm not a great scripter, so I am unable to write script by myself. I need a...
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    [T2 Release] New movie

    "Travel", 9:58, 187 MB. Make a break while scripting and enjoy :-)