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    [Skiing][Advice] People in the Northeast, Help!

    Have until Tuesday off and was thinking of maybe hopping in the car and going skiing. Is there anywhere in the northeast that has decent conditions right now?? I am not talking about a couple trails being open, but is there somewhere that has a large amount of trails and a decent base of snow...
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    Anyone want to trade an invite for a SceneAccess one?

    Anything but Torrent damage, waffles, or what. While SceneAccess does not have the best library, it usually does have the best download speeds. I have two invites, first two trade offers get them, im not picky! edit:, will be back in a couple hours to check.
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    [Ron Paul] Sick of all those faggot paultards?

    The Ron Paul campaign website has decided to post the names and city/states of the generous people who have contributed. Ive looked up a few names, most are publicly listed. Ron Paul 2008 — Hope for America right below the donation amount Let's thank these generous, generous people.
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    Mayor of Ithaca Declares May 8th GRATEFUL DEAD DAY!!!

    I love this city haha! The Mayors Proclamation is as follows: Proclamation from the Mayor of the City of Ithaca Whereas, the Grateful Dead have been recognized by many highly credible organizations, individuals and entities including the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as significantly important and...
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    Idiot kid steals money from girl then gets beat up

    HAHAHHAHA some tool kid gets slapped by some asian girl for like five minutes straght
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    Oink Invite Request

    I have a shitload of music that i could upload and i never bothered to try and get an invite. I know a lot of people on here have extra invites so i was just wondering if i could get one... thanks.
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    Iran bans western music these guys are a bunch of fucking idiots, i hope the jews bomb them. go jews.
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    Penalty For Driving Underage

    Hey does anyone know what the penalty is if you get caught driving underage. If its by the state any state works.. thx
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    "All Circuits Busy"

    What the fuck is anyone else getting this.. all my friends in CT are.. you cant dial any cell phones or some shit my friend said they were shutting the satalites down because of "terrorism" for a bit.. anyone know wahts going on edit: dont know if i made it clear but i meant calling other...
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    cool game, Vampires

    really cool game here.. just click it and enter your name then you send your url to other people to build points if its ofn just ignore me cuz i dont know