Search results

  1. E

    Game Development Opportunity -Artist, Modelers and Voice

    Looking for artistic help, modelers and texture artists and also Voice acting positions available for vchat voices canned chat. For more details, please contact me, via pm and/or respond here, with any questions, suggestions and/or feedback! Also, everyone is invited to join the Official TW Chat
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    Earth BLoG Star date now

    Got lot of advice on starting a blog, from several members and well, you know what? Thanks for the suggestion! :signed: Today we got the new discord roster boosted with a few dozen new members. Whom, would like to personally thank again, for joining and welcome! Krayvoc from midair team...
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    Brandon from Branzone...r u a liar?

    Harambo, just informed me you are the one who is claiming that I am phishing or was phishing. I tend to not believe much of what i hear and read...and considering the source...had to verify if true or not.
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    2 Discord Ticket for sale...front row seats

    2 Discord Tickets for sale...front row seats tree fiffy oBo
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    New TW Discord - Everyone is invited and welcome!

    Well, sure some of you are well aware of the sticky thread... Anyways, would like to extend and invitation out to everyone and give a sample chat example:
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    Children of the Sun - by Billy Thorpe and Spencer Proffer

    CHILDREN OF THE SUN - Billy Thorpe - YouTube
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    Saving up for my spaceship by earthlings?

    earthlings? - - YouTube Dave Catching – guitar Pete Stahl – vocals Fred Drake – bass Dave Grohl – drums
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    Freedom Tribe
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    tournamentNetClient & Clan API update

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    Midair banned me for pointing out, no one is playing

    well, update...was banned from midair discord official now, before was just kicked, when originally started thread and i changed it, now they banned about bunch of piss poor moderators, ruining the game for everyone and appeasing their bully trolls and backers...will be rating and...
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    Banned on Brandzone by Mistcane & Ravin

    Well, after a little altercation yesterday, in TW Discord with Mistcane- I am no longer able to access Snap LAK Pub & Snap Crackle Pub Ravin has not commented, so in all fairness, accusing Ravin of anything, other than being SADmin on the SL and no response in discord...will refrain from...
  12. E

    Saturday Night CTF PUG Action Ongoing

    Goon Haven (Tribes II): Start time will be when at least 10 players show up, 10pm EST, before or after, show up is fine, will team players upon joining to team with lowest score and/or least amount of players, during game...for rapid action and no wait time to get in. Map...
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    chocotaco being horrible server admin again...

    CT seems to think he owns the server and makes up the rules as it goes along and can kick anyone, anytime, whenever he wants. Think we need to play more on SCP until, CT can quit being a big a bully admin and ruining the game for everyone, by making up his rules and moderating games, with his...
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    Tribes 2 and other game servers clientside query with buddy list

    :jawdrop: Found easy to install Client Game Server Query, that works for lot of games, included Tribes and Tribes II and it has buddy list option. open source code with packages compiled for installation available: Auto Join: Has ability to enter auto login...
  15. E

    Ouch....last nights PUG, Saturday Night Special

    Okay, was a bit distracted, maybe should have let OMR be captain or someone else, was a karokee party next door and dogs were barking and out of all the maps, of my least favorites was picked... Anyways, for everyone, I picked for our team and lack of instructions on roles and all, my...
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    Bored with Midair? Tribes II fun is available- Special Event Challenges?

    Look forward to trying MA out and in the mean time, been having a blast playing Tribes II again. We sure would like to see more players, and thinking of doing a tourney or some kind of event, reunion, whatever it takes, to get some of you back in the game. Anyways, every evening there are a...
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    ({STAR}) is Recruiting!

    :attention Request invite here